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Asymptotic behavior of the invariant measure for a diffusion related to an NA group

Ewa Damek, Andrzej Hulanicki (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

On a Lie group NA that is a split extension of a nilpotent Lie group N by a one-parameter group of automorphisms A, the heat semigroup μ t generated by a second order subelliptic left-invariant operator j = 0 m Y j + Y is considered. Under natural conditions there is a μ ̌ t -invariant measure m on N, i.e. μ ̌ t * m = m . Precise asymptotics of m at infinity is given for a large class of operators with Y₀,...,Yₘ generating the Lie algebra of S.

Asymptotic spherical analysis on the Heisenberg group

Jacques Faraut (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The asymptotics of spherical functions for large dimensions are related to spherical functions for Olshanski spherical pairs. In this paper we consider inductive limits of Gelfand pairs associated to the Heisenberg group. The group K = U(n) × U(p) acts multiplicity free on 𝓟(V), the space of polynomials on V = M(n,p;ℂ), the space of n × p complex matrices. The group K acts also on the Heisenberg group H = V × ℝ. By a result of Carcano, the pair (G,K) with G = K ⋉ H is a Gelfand pair. The main results...

Boundedness from H 1 to L 1 of Riesz transforms on a Lie group of exponential growth

Peter Sjögren, Maria Vallarino (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let G be the Lie group 2 + endowed with the Riemannian symmetric space structure. Let X 0 , X 1 , X 2 be a distinguished basis of left-invariant vector fields of the Lie algebra of G and define the Laplacian Δ = - ( X 0 2 + X 1 2 + X 2 2 ) . In this paper we consider the first order Riesz transforms R i = X i Δ - 1 / 2 and S i = Δ - 1 / 2 X i , for i = 0 , 1 , 2 . We prove that the operators R i , but not the S i , are bounded from the Hardy space H 1 to L 1 . We also show that the second-order Riesz transforms T i j = X i Δ - 1 X j are bounded from H 1 to L 1 , while the transforms S i j = Δ - 1 X i X j and R i j = X i X j Δ - 1 , for i , j = 0 , 1 , 2 , are not.

Central sidonicity for compact Lie groups

Kathryn E. Hare (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

It is known that the dual of a compact, connected, non-abelian group may contain no infinite central Sidon sets, but always does contain infinite central p -Sidon sets for p > 1 . We prove, by an essentially constructive method, that the latter assertion is also true for every infinite subset of the dual. In addition, we investigate the relationship between weighted central Sidonicity for a compact Lie group and Sidonicity for its torus.

Comparison of Hausdorff measures with respect to the Euclidean and the Heisenberg metric.

Zoltán M. Balogh, Matthieu Rickly, Francesco Serra Cassano (2003)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We compare the Hausdorff measures and dimensions with respect to the Euclidean and Heisenberg metrics on the first Heisenberg group. The result is a dimension jump described by two inequalities. The sharpness of our estimates is shown by examples. Moreover a comparison between Euclidean and H-rectifiability is given.

Continuous measures on compact Lie groups

M. Anoussis, A. Bisbas (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study continuous measures on a compact semisimple Lie group G using representation theory. In Section 2 we prove a Wiener type characterization of a continuous measure. Next we construct central measures on G which are related to the well known Riesz products on locally compact abelian groups. Using these measures we show in Section 3 that if C is a compact set of continuous measures on G there exists a singular measure ν such that ν * μ is absolutely continuous with respect to the Haar measure on...

Courbure et sous-ensembles de courbes rectifiables dans le groupe de Heisenberg

Fausto Ferrari, Bruno Franchi, Hervé Pajot (2005/2006)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

Nous présentons une condition suffisante pour qu’un compact dans le groupe de Heisenberg (muni de sa structure de Carnot-Carathéodory) soit contenu dans une courbe rectifiable. Cette condition est aussi nécessaire dans le cas de courbes régulières (en particulier, des géodésiques) et elle est inspirée du lemme géométrique faible du à Peter Jones dans le cas euclidien. Cette note repose sur l’exposé fait par le troisième auteur (au Séminaire X-EDP) et décrit les principaux résultats de l’article...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 243