Displaying 621 – 640 of 4405

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Approximation by finitely supported measures

Benoît Kloeckner (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider the problem of approximating a probability measure defined on a metric space by a measure supported on a finite number of points. More specifically we seek the asymptotic behavior of the minimal Wasserstein distance to an approximation when the number of points goes to infinity. The main result gives an equivalent when the space is a Riemannian manifold and the approximated measure is absolutely continuous and compactly supported.

Approximation of a Martensitic Laminate with Varying Volume Fractions

Bo Li, Mitchell Luskin (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We give results for the approximation of a laminate with varying volume fractions for multi-well energy minimization problems modeling martensitic crystals that can undergo either an orthorhombic to monoclinic or a cubic to tetragonal transformation. We construct energy minimizing sequences of deformations which satisfy the corresponding boundary condition, and we establish a series of error bounds in terms of the elastic energy for the approximation of the limiting macroscopic deformation and...

Approximation of a solidification problem

Rajae Aboulaïch, Ilham Haggouch, Ali Souissi (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A two-dimensional Stefan problem is usually introduced as a model of solidification, melting or sublimation phenomena. The two-phase Stefan problem has been studied as a direct problem, where the free boundary separating the two regions is eliminated using a variational inequality (Baiocchi, 1977; Baiocchi et al., 1973; Rodrigues, 1980; Saguez, 1980; Srunk and Friedman, 1994), the enthalpy function (Ciavaldini, 1972; Lions, 1969; Nochetto et al., 1991; Saguez, 1980), or a control problem (El Bagdouri,...

Approximation of control problems involving ordinary and impulsive controls

Fabio Camilli, Maurizio Falcone (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we study an approximation scheme for a class of control problems involving an ordinary control v, an impulsive control u and its derivative u ˙ . Adopting a space-time reparametrization of the problem which adds one variable to the state space we overcome some difficulties connected to the presence of u ˙ . We construct an approximation scheme for that augmented system, prove that it converges to the value function of the augmented problem and establish an error estimates in L∞ for this approximation....

Approximation of maximal Cheeger sets by projection

Guillaume Carlier, Myriam Comte, Gabriel Peyré (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

This article deals with the numerical computation of the Cheeger constant and the approximation of the maximal Cheeger set of a given subset of d . This problem is motivated by landslide modelling as well as by the continuous maximal flow problem. Using the fact that the maximal Cheeger set can be approximated by solving a rather simple projection problem, we propose a numerical strategy to compute maximal Cheeger sets and Cheeger constants.

Approximation of maximal Cheeger sets by projection

Guillaume Carlier, Myriam Comte, Gabriel Peyré (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This article deals with the numerical computation of the Cheeger constant and the approximation of the maximal Cheeger set of a given subset of d . This problem is motivated by landslide modelling as well as by the continuous maximal flow problem. Using the fact that the maximal Cheeger set can be approximated by solving a rather simple projection problem, we propose a numerical strategy to compute maximal Cheeger sets and Cheeger constants.

Currently displaying 621 – 640 of 4405