Displaying 261 – 280 of 867

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Coincidence theorems for set-valued maps with g-kkm property on generalized convex space

Lai-Jiu Lin, Ching-Jung Ko, Sehie Park (1998)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

In this paper, a set-valued mapping with G-KKM property is defined and a generalization of minimax theorem for set-valued maps with G-KKM property on generalized convex space is established. As a consequence of this results we verify the coincidence theorem for set-valued maps with G-KKM property on G-convex space. Finally, we apply our results to the best approximation problem and fixed point problem.

Collared sets

Michael, E. (1962)

General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra

Coloring Cantor sets and resolvability of pseudocompact spaces

István Juhász, Lajos Soukup, Zoltán Szentmiklóssy (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let us denote by Φ ( λ , μ ) the statement that 𝔹 ( λ ) = D ( λ ) ω , i.e. the Baire space of weight λ , has a coloring with μ colors such that every homeomorphic copy of the Cantor set in 𝔹 ( λ ) picks up all the μ colors. We call a space X π -regular if it is Hausdorff and for every nonempty open set U in X there is a nonempty open set V such that V ¯ U . We recall that a space X is called feebly compact if...

Colorings of Periodic Homeomorphisms

Yuji Akaike, Naotsugu Chinen, Kazuo Tomoyasu (2009)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We calculate the exact value of the color number of a periodic homeomorphism without fixed points on a finite connected graph.

Comaximal graph of C ( X )

Mehdi Badie (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this article we study the comaximal graph Γ 2 ' C ( X ) of the ring C ( X ) . We have tried to associate the graph properties of Γ 2 ' C ( X ) , the ring properties of C ( X ) and the topological properties of X . Radius, girth, dominating number and clique number of the Γ 2 ' C ( X ) are investigated. We have shown that 2 Rad Γ 2 ' C ( X ) 3 and if | X | > 2 then girth Γ 2 ' C ( X ) = 3 . We give some topological properties of X equivalent to graph properties of Γ 2 ' C ( X ) . Finally we have proved that X is an almost P -space which does not have isolated points if and only if C ( X ) is an almost regular ring...

Combinatorial lemmas for polyhedrons

Adam Idzik, Konstanty Junosza-Szaniawski (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We formulate general boundary conditions for a labelling to assure the existence of a balanced n-simplex in a triangulated polyhedron. Furthermore we prove a Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz type theorem for polyhedrons and generalize some theorems of Ichiishi and Idzik. We also formulate a necessary condition for a continuous function defined on a polyhedron to be an onto function.

Combinatorial lemmas for polyhedrons I

Adam Idzik, Konstanty Junosza-Szaniawski (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We formulate general boundary conditions for a labelling of vertices of a triangulation of a polyhedron by vectors to assure the existence of a balanced simplex. The condition is not for each vertex separately, but for a set of vertices of each boundary simplex. This allows us to formulate a theorem, which is more general than the Sperner lemma and theorems of Shapley; Idzik and Junosza-Szaniawski; van der Laan, Talman and Yang. A generalization of the Poincaré-Miranda theorem is also derived.

Combinatorial trees in Priestley spaces

Richard N. Ball, Aleš Pultr, Jiří Sichler (2005)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that prohibiting a combinatorial tree in the Priestley duals determines an axiomatizable class of distributive lattices. On the other hand, prohibiting n -crowns with n 3 does not. Given what is known about the diamond, this is another strong indication that this fact characterizes combinatorial trees. We also discuss varieties of 2-Heyting algebras in this context.

Combinatorics of ideals --- selectivity versus density

A. Kwela, P. Zakrzewski (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This note is devoted to combinatorial properties of ideals on the set of natural numbers. By a result of Mathias, two such properties, selectivity and density, in the case of definable ideals, exclude each other. The purpose of this note is to measure the ``distance'' between them with the help of ultrafilter topologies of Louveau.

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 867