On two theorems of Dyer
Let E be an infinite dimensional separable space and for e ∈ E and X a nonempty compact convex subset of E, let qX(e) be the metric antiprojection of e on X. Let n ≥ 2 be an arbitrary integer. It is shown that for a typical (in the sence of the Baire category) compact convex set X ⊂ E the metric antiprojection qX(e) has cardinality at least n for every e in a dense subset of E.
We prove that if X is a perfect finite-dimensional compactum, then for almost every continuous surjection of the Cantor set onto X, the set of points of maximal order is uncountable. Moreover, if X is a perfect compactum of positive finite dimension then for a typical parametrization of X on the Cantor set, the set of points of maximal order is homeomorphic to the product of the rationals and the Cantor set.
In this paper induced U-equivalence spaces are introduced and discussed. Also the notion of U- equivalently open subsets of a U-equivalence space and U-equivalently open functions are studied. Finally, equivalently uniformisable topological spaces are considered.
We prove that if the Euclidean plane contains an uncountable collection of pairwise disjoint copies of a tree-like continuum X, then the symmetric span of X is zero, sX = 0. We also construct a modification of the Oversteegen-Tymchatyn example: for each ε > 0 there exists a tree such that σX < ε but X cannot be covered by any 1-chain. These are partial solutions of some well-known problems in continua theory.
Gli spazi -metrici uniformemente numerabilmente paracompatti sono uniformemente paracompatti. Si fornisce altresì una caratterizzazione degli spazi -metrici fini.