Displaying 141 – 160 of 183

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Separating sets by Darboux-like functions

Aleksander Maliszewski (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider the following problem: Characterize the pairs ⟨A,B⟩ of subsets of ℝ which can be separated by a function from a given class, i.e., for which there exists a function f from that class such that f = 0 on A and f = 1 on B (the classical separation property) or f < 0 on A and f > 0 on B (a new separation property).

Sequential convergence in C p ( X )

David H. Fremlin (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

I discuss the number of iterations of the elementary sequential closure operation required to achieve the full sequential closure of a set in spaces of the form C p ( X ) .

Sharkovskiĭ's theorem holds for some discontinuous functions

Piotr Szuca (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that the Sharkovskiĭ ordering of periods of a continuous real function is also valid for every function with connected G δ graph. In particular, it is valid for every DB₁ function and therefore for every derivative. As a tool we apply an Itinerary Lemma for functions with connected G δ graph.

Sierpiński's hierarchy and locally Lipschitz functions

Michał Morayne (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let Z be an uncountable Polish space. It is a classical result that if I ⊆ ℝ is any interval (proper or not), f: I → ℝ and α < ω 1 then f ○ g ∈ B α ( Z ) for every g B α ( Z ) Z I if and only if f is continuous on I, where B α ( Z ) stands for the αth class in Baire’s classification of Borel measurable functions. We shall prove that for the classes S α ( Z ) ( α > 0 ) in Sierpiński’s classification of Borel measurable functions the analogous result holds where the condition that f is continuous is replaced by the condition that f is locally Lipschitz...

Some properties of algebras of real-valued measurable functions

Ali Akbar Estaji, Ahmad Mahmoudi Darghadam (2023)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let M ( X , 𝒜 ) ( M * ( X , 𝒜 ) ) be the f -ring of all (bounded) real-measurable functions on a T -measurable space ( X , 𝒜 ) , let M K ( X , 𝒜 ) be the family of all f M ( X , 𝒜 ) such that coz ( f ) is compact, and let M ( X , 𝒜 ) be all f M ( X , 𝒜 ) that { x X : | f ( x ) | 1 n } is compact for any n . We introduce realcompact subrings of M ( X , 𝒜 ) , we show that M * ( X , 𝒜 ) is a realcompact subring of M ( X , 𝒜 ) , and also M ( X , 𝒜 ) is a realcompact if and only if ( X , 𝒜 ) is a compact measurable space. For every nonzero real Riesz map ϕ : M ( X , 𝒜 ) , we prove that there is an element x 0 X such that ϕ ( f ) = f ( x 0 ) for every f M ( X , 𝒜 ) if ( X , 𝒜 ) is a compact measurable space. We confirm...

Some remarks providing discontinuous maps on some C p ( X ) spaces

S. Moll (2008)

Banach Center Publications

Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff topological space and C p ( X ) the space of continuous real-valued maps on X endowed with the pointwise topology. A simple and natural argument is presented to show how to construct on the space C p ( X ) , if X contains a homeomorphic copy of the closed interval [0,1], real-valued maps which are everywhere discontinuous but continuous on all compact subsets of C p ( X ) .

Spaces not distinguishing convergences

Miroslav Repický (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In the present paper we introduce a convergence condition ( Σ ' ) and continue the study of “not distinguish” for various kinds of convergence of sequences of real functions on a topological space started in [2] and [3]. We compute cardinal invariants associated with introduced properties of spaces.

Spaces not distinguishing pointwise and -quasinormal convergence

Pratulananda Das, Debraj Chandra (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we extend the notion of quasinormal convergence via ideals and consider the notion of -quasinormal convergence. We then introduce the notion of Q N ( w Q N ) space as a topological space in which every sequence of continuous real valued functions pointwise converging to 0 , is also -quasinormally convergent to 0 (has a subsequence which is -quasinormally convergent to 0 ) and make certain observations on those spaces.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 183