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Spaces of continuous functions, box products and almost- ω -resolvable spaces

Angel Tamariz-Mascarúa, H. Villegas-Rodríguez (2002)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A dense-in-itself space X is called C -discrete if the space of real continuous functions on X with its box topology, C ( X ) , is a discrete space. A space X is called almost- ω -resolvable provided that X is the union of a countable increasing family of subsets each of them with an empty interior. We analyze these classes of spaces by determining their relations with κ -resolvable and almost resolvable spaces. We prove that every almost- ω -resolvable space is C -discrete, and that these classes coincide in...

Spaces of continuous functions, Σ -products and Box Topology

J. Angoa, Angel Tamariz-Mascarúa (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For a Tychonoff space X , we will denote by X 0 the set of its isolated points and X 1 will be equal to X X 0 . The symbol C ( X ) denotes the space of real-valued continuous functions defined on X . κ is the Cartesian product κ with its box topology, and C ( X ) is C ( X ) with the topology inherited from X . By C ^ ( X 1 ) we denote the set { f C ( X 1 ) : f can be continuously extended to all of X } . A space X is almost- ω -resolvable if it can be partitioned by a countable family of subsets in such a way that every non-empty open subset of X has a non-empty...

Spaces of continuous step functions over LOTS

Raushan Z. Buzyakova (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate spaces C p ( · , n ) over LOTS (linearly ordered topological spaces). We find natural necessary conditions for linear Lindelöfness of C p ( · , n ) over LOTS. We also characterize countably compact LOTS whose C p ( · , n ) is linearly Lindelöf for each n. Both the necessary conditions and the characterization are given in terms of the topology of the Dedekind completion of a LOTS.

Suites spectrales de Serre en homotopie

André Didierjean, André Legrand (1984)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Beaucoup d’informations sur les groupes de cohomologie d’un espace sont obtenues à partir de la suite spectrale de Serre. Dans cet article on construit une suite spectrale de Serre dans le cas “non stable”. Cette suite spectrale “non stable” permet des calculs de groupes d’homotopie d’espaces fonctionnels.

Sur la caractérisation topologique des compacts à l'aide des demi-treillis des pseudométriques continues

Taras Banakh (1995)

Studia Mathematica

For a Tikhonov space X we denote by Pc(X) the semilattice of all continuous pseudometrics on X. It is proved that compact Hausdorff spaces X and Y are homeomorphic if and only if there is a positive-homogeneous (or an additive) semi-lattice isomorphism T:Pc(X) → Pc(Y). A topology on Pc(X) is called admissible if it is intermediate between the compact-open and pointwise topologies on Pc(X). Another result states that Tikhonov spaces X and Y are homeomorphic if and only if there exists a positive-homogeneous...

Sur l’invariance de la dimension infinie forte par t-équivalence

Robert Cauty (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X and Y be metric compacta such that there exists a continuous open surjection from C p ( Y ) onto C p ( X ) . We prove that if there exists an integer k such that X k is strongly infinite-dimensional, then there exists an integer p such that Y p is strongly infinite-dimensional.

Sur un exemple de Banach et Kuratowski

Robert Cauty (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For A ⊂ I = [0,1], let L A be the set of continuous real-valued functions on I which vanish on a neighborhood of A. We prove that if A is an analytic subset which is not an F σ and whose closure has an empty interior, then L A is homeomorphic to the space of differentiable functions from I into ℝ.

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