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On fully coupled continuous time random walks

W. Szczotka, P. Żebrowski (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Continuous time random walks with jump sizes equal to the corresponding waiting times for jumps are considered. Sufficient conditions for the weak convergence of such processes are established and the limiting processes are identified. Furthermore one-dimensional distributions of the limiting processes are given under an additional assumption.

On harmonic functions of symmetric Lévy processes

Ante Mimica (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider some classes of Lévy processes for which the estimate of Krylov and Safonov (as in (Potential Anal.17 (2002) 375–388)) fails and thus it is not possible to use the standard iteration technique to obtain a-priori Hölder continuity estimates of harmonic functions. Despite the failure of this method, we obtain some a-priori regularity estimates of harmonic functions for these processes. Moreover, we extend results from (Probab. Theory Related Fields135 (2006) 547–575) and obtain asymptotic...

On smoothing properties of transition semigroups associated to a class of SDEs with jumps

Seiichiro Kusuoka, Carlo Marinelli (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We prove smoothing properties of nonlocal transition semigroups associated to a class of stochastic differential equations (SDE) in d driven by additive pure-jump Lévy noise. In particular, we assume that the Lévy process driving the SDE is the sum of a subordinated Wiener process Y (i.e. Y = W T , where T is an increasing pure-jump Lévy process starting at zero and independent of the Wiener process W ) and of an arbitrary Lévy process independent of Y , that the drift coefficient is continuous (but not...

On suprema of Lévy processes and application in risk theory

Renming Song, Zoran Vondraček (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let X̂=C−Y where Y is a general one-dimensional Lévy process and C an independent subordinator. Consider the times when a new supremum of X̂ is reached by a jump of the subordinator C. We give a necessary and sufficient condition in order for such times to be discrete. When this is the case and X̂ drifts to −∞, we decompose the absolute supremum of X̂ at these times, and derive a Pollaczek–Hinchin-type formula for the distribution function of the supremum.

On the Bennett–Hoeffding inequality

Iosif Pinelis (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

The well-known Bennett–Hoeffding bound for sums of independent random variables is refined, by taking into account positive-part third moments, and at that significantly improved by using, instead of the class of all increasing exponential functions, a much larger class of generalized moment functions. The resulting bounds have certain optimality properties. The results can be extended in a standard manner to (the maximal functions of) (super)martingales. The proof of the main result relies on an...

On the coupling property of Lévy processes

René L. Schilling, Jian Wang (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We give necessary and sufficient conditions guaranteeing that the coupling for Lévy processes (with non-degenerate jump part) is successful. Our method relies on explicit formulae for the transition semigroup of a compound Poisson process and earlier results by Mineka and Lindvall–Rogers on couplings of random walks. In particular, we obtain that a Lévy process admits a successful coupling, if it is a strong Feller process or if the Lévy (jump) measure has an absolutely continuous component.

On Wiener–Hopf factors for stable processes

Piotr Graczyk, Tomasz Jakubowski (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We give a series representation of the logarithm of the bivariate Laplace exponent κ of α-stable processes for almost all α ∈ (0, 2].

Optimal stopping with advanced information flow: selected examples

Yaozhong Hu, Bernt Øksendal (2008)

Banach Center Publications

We study optimal stopping problems for some functionals of Brownian motion in the case when the decision whether or not to stop before (or at) time t is allowed to be based on the δ-advanced information t + δ , where s is the σ-algebra generated by Brownian motion up to time s, s ≥ -δ, δ > 0 being a fixed constant. Our approach involves the forward integral and the Malliavin calculus for Brownian motion.

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