Displaying 121 – 140 of 145

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Stationary distributions for jump processes with memory

K. Burdzy, T. Kulczycki, R. L. Schilling (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We analyze a jump processes Z with a jump measure determined by a “memory” process S . The state space of ( Z , S ) is the Cartesian product of the unit circle and the real line. We prove that the stationary distribution of ( Z , S ) is the product of the uniform probability measure and a Gaussian distribution.

Stochastic flow for SDEs with jumps and irregular drift term

Enrico Priola (2015)

Banach Center Publications

We consider non-degenerate SDEs with a β-Hölder continuous and bounded drift term and driven by a Lévy noise L which is of α-stable type. If β > 1 - α/2 and α ∈ [1,2), we show pathwise uniqueness and existence of a stochastic flow. We follow the approach of [Priola, Osaka J. Math. 2012] improving the assumptions on the noise L. In our previous paper L was assumed to be non-degenerate, α-stable and symmetric. Here we can also recover relativistic and truncated stable processes and some classes...

Symmetric jump processes : localization, heat kernels and convergence

Richard F. Bass, Moritz Kassmann, Takashi Kumagai (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider symmetric processes of pure jump type. We prove local estimates on the probability of exiting balls, the Hölder continuity of harmonic functions and of heat kernels, and convergence of a sequence of such processes.

Transitions on a noncompact Cantor set and random walks on its defining tree

Jun Kigami (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

First, noncompact Cantor sets along with their defining trees are introduced as a natural generalization of p -adic numbers. Secondly we construct a class of jump processes on a noncompact Cantor set from given pairs of eigenvalues and measures. At the same time, we have concrete expressions of the associated jump kernels and transition densities. Then we construct intrinsic metrics on noncompact Cantor set to obtain estimates of transition densities and jump kernels under some regularity conditions...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 145