Displaying 241 – 260 of 480

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Global superconvergence of finite element methods for parabolic inverse problems

Hossein Azari, Shu Hua Zhang (2009)

Applications of Mathematics

In this article we transform a large class of parabolic inverse problems into a nonclassical parabolic equation whose coefficients consist of trace type functionals of the solution and its derivatives subject to some initial and boundary conditions. For this nonclassical problem, we study finite element methods and present an immediate analysis for global superconvergence for these problems, on basis of which we obtain a posteriori error estimators.

Goal oriented a posteriori error estimates for the discontinuous Galerkin method

Dolejší, Vít, Roskovec, Filip (2017)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

This paper is concerned with goal-oriented a posteriori error estimates for discontinous Galerkin discretizations of linear elliptic boundary value problems. Our approach combines the Dual Weighted Residual method (DWR) with local weighted least-squares reconstruction of the discrete solution. This technique is used not only for controlling the discretization error, but also to track the influence of the algebraic errors. We illustrate the performance of the proposed method by numerical experiments....

Godunov-like numerical fluxes for conservation laws on networks

Vacek, Lukáš, Kučera, Václav (2023)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

We describe a numerical technique for the solution of macroscopic traffic flow models on networks of roads. On individual roads, we consider the standard Lighthill-Whitham-Richards model which is discretized using the discontinuous Galerkin method along with suitable limiters. In order to solve traffic flows on networks, we construct suitable numerical fluxes at junctions based on preferences of the drivers. Numerical experiment comparing different approaches is presented.

Grid adjustment based on a posteriori error estimators

Karel Segeth (1993)

Applications of Mathematics

The adjustment of one-dimensional space grid for a parabolic partial differential equation solved by the finite element method of lines is considered in the paper. In particular, the approach based on a posteriori error indicators and error estimators is studied. A statement on the rate of convergence of the approximation of error by estimator to the error in the case of a system of parabolic equations is presented.

Hybrid parallelization of an adaptive finite element code

Axel Voigt, Thomas Witkowski (2010)


We present a hybrid OpenMP/MPI parallelization of the finite element method that is suitable to make use of modern high performance computers. These are usually built from a large bulk of multi-core systems connected by a fast network. Our parallelization method is based firstly on domain decomposition to divide the large problem into small chunks. Each of them is then solved on a multi-core system using parallel assembling, solution and error estimation. To make domain decomposition for both, the...

Implicit-explicit Runge–Kutta schemes and finite elements with symmetric stabilization for advection-diffusion equations

Erik Burman, Alexandre Ern (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We analyze a two-stage implicit-explicit Runge–Kutta scheme for time discretization of advection-diffusion equations. Space discretization uses continuous, piecewise affine finite elements with interelement gradient jump penalty; discontinuous Galerkin methods can be considered as well. The advective and stabilization operators are treated explicitly, whereas the diffusion operator is treated implicitly. Our analysis hinges on L2-energy estimates on discrete functions in physical space. Our main...

Implicit-explicit Runge–Kutta schemes and finite elements with symmetric stabilization for advection-diffusion equations

Erik Burman, Alexandre Ern (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We analyze a two-stage implicit-explicit Runge–Kutta scheme for time discretization of advection-diffusion equations. Space discretization uses continuous, piecewise affine finite elements with interelement gradient jump penalty; discontinuous Galerkin methods can be considered as well. The advective and stabilization operators are treated explicitly, whereas the diffusion operator is treated implicitly. Our analysis hinges on L2-energy estimates on discrete functions in physical space. Our main...

Implicit-explicit Runge–Kutta schemes and finite elements with symmetric stabilization for advection-diffusion equations

Erik Burman, Alexandre Ern (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We analyze a two-stage implicit-explicit Runge–Kutta scheme for time discretization of advection-diffusion equations. Space discretization uses continuous, piecewise affine finite elements with interelement gradient jump penalty; discontinuous Galerkin methods can be considered as well. The advective and stabilization operators are treated explicitly, whereas the diffusion operator is treated implicitly. Our analysis hinges on L2-energy estimates on discrete functions in physical space. Our main...

Interpolation with restrictions -- role of the boundary conditions and individual restrictions

Valášek, Jan, Sváček, Petr (2023)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The contribution deals with the remeshing procedure between two computational finite element meshes. The remeshing represented by the interpolation of an approximate solution onto a new mesh is needed in many applications like e.g. in aeroacoustics, here we are particularly interested in the numerical flow simulation of a gradual channel collapse connected with a~severe deterioration of the computational mesh quality. Since the classical Lagrangian projection from one mesh to another is a dissipative...

Involutive formulation and simulation for electroneutral microfluids

Bijan Mohammadi, Jukka Tuomela (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We study a microfluidic flow model where the movement of several charged species is coupled with electric field and the motion of ambient fluid. The main numerical difficulty in this model is the net charge neutrality assumption which makes the system essentially overdetermined. Hence we propose to use the involutive and the associated augmented form of the system in numerical computations. Numerical experiments on electrophoresis and stacking show that the completed system significantly improves...

Involutive formulation and simulation for electroneutral microfluids

Bijan Mohammadi, Jukka Tuomela (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We study a microfluidic flow model where the movement of several charged species is coupled with electric field and the motion of ambient fluid. The main numerical difficulty in this model is the net charge neutrality assumption which makes the system essentially overdetermined. Hence we propose to use the involutive and the associated augmented form of the system in numerical computations. Numerical experiments on electrophoresis and stacking show that the completed system significantly improves...

L2 stability analysis of the central discontinuous Galerkin method and a comparison between the central and regular discontinuous Galerkin methods

Yingjie Liu, Chi-Wang Shu, Eitan Tadmor, Mengping Zhang (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We prove stability and derive error estimates for the recently introduced central discontinuous Galerkin method, in the context of linear hyperbolic equations with possibly discontinuous solutions. A comparison between the central discontinuous Galerkin method and the regular discontinuous Galerkin method in this context is also made. Numerical experiments are provided to validate the quantitative conclusions from the analysis.

L2-stability of the upwind first order finite volume scheme for the Maxwell equations in two and three dimensions on arbitrary unstructured meshes

Serge Piperno (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We investigate sufficient and possibly necessary conditions for the L2 stability of the upwind first order finite volume scheme for Maxwell equations, with metallic and absorbing boundary conditions. We yield a very general sufficient condition, valid for any finite volume partition in two and three space dimensions. We show this condition is necessary for a class of regular meshes in two space dimensions. However, numerical tests show it is not necessary in three space dimensions even on regular...

Lagrangian and moving mesh methods for the convection diffusion equation

Konstantinos Chrysafinos, Noel J. Walkington (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We propose and analyze a semi Lagrangian method for the convection-diffusion equation. Error estimates for both semi and fully discrete finite element approximations are obtained for convection dominated flows. The estimates are posed in terms of the projections constructed in [Chrysafinos and Walkington, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 43 (2006) 2478–2499; Chrysafinos and Walkington, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 44 (2006) 349–366] and the dependence of various constants upon the diffusion parameter is ...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 480