Displaying 81 – 100 of 408

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Comparing Complexity Functions of a Language and Its Extendable Part

Arseny M. Shur (2008)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Right (left, two-sided) extendable part of a language consists of all words having infinitely many right (resp. left, two-sided) extensions within the language. We prove that for an arbitrary factorial language each of these parts has the same growth rate of complexity as the language itself. On the other hand, we exhibit a factorial language which grows superpolynomially, while its two-sided extendable part grows only linearly.

Compatibility relations on codes and free monoids

Tomi Kärki (2008)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

A compatibility relation on letters induces a reflexive and symmetric relation on words of equal length. We consider these word relations with respect to the theory of variable length codes and free monoids. We define an (R,S)-code and an (R,S)-free monoid for arbitrary word relations R and S. Modified Sardinas-Patterson algorithm is presented for testing whether finite sets of words are (R,S)-codes. Coding capabilities of relational codes are measured algorithmically by finding minimal and maximal relations....

Complexité et automates cellulaires linéaires

Valérie Berthé (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the growth order of the complexity function (in rectangles) for two-dimensional sequences generated by a linear cellular automaton with coefficients in / l , and polynomial initial condition. We prove that the complexity function is quadratic when l is a prime and that it increases with respect to the number of distinct prime factors of l.

Complexity of Hartman sequences

Christian Steineder, Reinhard Winkler (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let T : x x + g be an ergodic translation on the compact group C and M C a continuity set, i.e. a subset with topological boundary of Haar measure 0. An infinite binary sequence a : { 0 , 1 } defined by a ( k ) = 1 if T k ( 0 C ) M and a ( k ) = 0 otherwise, is called a Hartman sequence. This paper studies the growth rate of P a ( n ) , where P a ( n ) denotes the number of binary words of length n occurring in a . The growth rate is always subexponential and this result is optimal. If T is an ergodic translation x x + α ...

Complexity of infinite words associated with beta-expansions

Christiane Frougny, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová (2004)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We study the complexity of the infinite word u β associated with the Rényi expansion of 1 in an irrational base β > 1 . When β is the golden ratio, this is the well known Fibonacci word, which is sturmian, and of complexity ( n ) = n + 1 . For β such that d β ( 1 ) = t 1 t 2 t m is finite we provide a simple description of the structure of special factors of the word u β . When t m = 1 we show that ( n ) = ( m - 1 ) n + 1 . In the cases when t 1 = t 2 = = t m - 1 or t 1 > max { t 2 , , t m - 1 } we show that the first difference of the complexity function ( n + 1 ) - ( n ) takes value in { m - 1 , m } for every n , and consequently we determine...

Complexity of infinite words associated with beta-expansions

Christiane Frougny, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We study the complexity of the infinite word uβ associated with the Rényi expansion of 1 in an irrational base β > 1. When β is the golden ratio, this is the well known Fibonacci word, which is Sturmian, and of complexity C(n) = n + 1. For β such that dβ(1) = t1t2...tm is finite we provide a simple description of the structure of special factors of the word uβ. When tm=1 we show that C(n) = (m - 1)n + 1. In the cases when t1 = t2 = ... tm-1or t1 > max{t2,...,tm-1} we show that the first difference of...

Complexity of testing morphic primitivity

Štěpán Holub, Vojtěch Matocha (2013)


We analyze an algorithm that decides whether a given word is a fixed point of a nontrivial morphism. We show that it can be implemented to have complexity in 𝒪 ( m · n ) , where n is the length of the word and m the size of the alphabet.

Connectedness of fractals associated with Arnoux–Rauzy substitutions

Valérie Berthé, Timo Jolivet, Anne Siegel (2014)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Rauzy fractals are compact sets with fractal boundary that can be associated with any unimodular Pisot irreducible substitution. These fractals can be defined as the Hausdorff limit of a sequence of compact sets, where each set is a renormalized projection of a finite union of faces of unit cubes. We exploit this combinatorial definition to prove the connectedness of the Rauzy fractal associated with any finite product of three-letter Arnoux–Rauzy substitutions.

Construction of a Deterministic ω-Automaton Using Derivatives

Roman R. Redziejowski (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

A deterministic automaton recognizing a given ω-regular language is constructed from an ω-regular expression with the help of derivatives. The construction is related to Safra's algorithm, in about the same way as the classical derivative method is related to the subset construction.

Continued fractions and transcendental numbers

Boris Adamczewski, Yann Bugeaud, Les Davison (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The main purpose of this work is to present new families of transcendental continued fractions with bounded partial quotients. Our results are derived thanks to combinatorial transcendence criteria recently obtained by the first two authors in [3].

Corrigendum : “Complexity of infinite words associated with beta-expansions”

Christiane Frougny, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová (2004)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We add a sufficient condition for validity of Propo- sition 4.10 in the paper Frougny et al. (2004). This condition is not a necessary one, it is nevertheless convenient, since anyway most of the statements in the paper Frougny et al. (2004) use it.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 408