Displaying 21 – 40 of 1122

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A general on-the-fly algorithm for modifying the kinematic tree hierarchy

Jakub Stępień, Andrzej Polański, Konrad Wojciechowski (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

When conducting a dynamic simulation of a multibody mechanical system, the model definition may need to be altered during the simulation course due to, e.g., changes in the way the system interacts with external objects. In this paper, we propose a general procedure for modifying simulation models of articulated figures, particularly useful when dealing with systems in time-varying contact with the environment. The proposed algorithm adjusts model connectivity, geometry and current state, producing...

A geometric algorithm for the output functional controllability in general manipulation systems and mechanisms

Paolo Mercorelli (2012)


In this paper the control of robotic manipulation is investigated. Manipulation system analysis and control are approached in a general framework. The geometric aspect of manipulation system dynamics is strongly emphasized by using the well developed techniques of geometric multivariable control theory. The focus is on the (functional) control of the crucial outputs in robotic manipulation, namely the reachable internal forces and the rigid-body object motions. A geometric control procedure is outlined...

A geometric analysis of dynamical systems with singular Lagrangians

Monika Havelková (2011)

Communications in Mathematics

We study dynamics of singular Lagrangian systems described by implicit differential equations from a geometric point of view using the exterior differential systems approach. We analyze a concrete Lagrangian previously studied by other authors by methods of Dirac’s constraint theory, and find its complete dynamics.

A geometric procedure for robust decoupling control of contact forces in robotic manipulation

Paolo Mercorelli, Domenico Prattichizzo (2003)


This paper deals with the problem of controlling contact forces in robotic manipulators with general kinematics. The main focus is on control of grasping contact forces exerted on the manipulated object. A visco-elastic model for contacts is adopted. The robustness of the decoupling controller with respect to the uncertainties affecting system parameters is investigated. Sufficient conditions for the invariance of decoupling action under perturbations on the contact stiffness and damping parameters...

A hybrid procedure to identify the optimal stiffness coefficients of elastically restrained beams

Tiago Silva, Maria Loja, Nuno Maia, Joaquim Barbosa (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The formulation of a bending vibration problem of an elastically restrained Bernoulli-Euler beam carrying a finite number of concentrated elements along its length is presented. In this study, the authors exploit the application of the differential evolution optimization technique to identify the torsional stiffness properties of the elastic supports of a Bernoulli-Euler beam. This hybrid strategy allows the determination of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of continuous beams, taking into...

A mathematical model of suspension bridges

Gabriela Liţcanu (2004)

Applications of Mathematics

We prove the existence of weak T-periodic solutions for a nonlinear mathematical model associated with suspension bridges. Under further assumptions a regularity result is also given.

A new geometric setting for classical field theories

M. de León, J. C. Marrero, D. Martín de Diego (2003)

Banach Center Publications

A new geometrical setting for classical field theories is introduced. This description is strongly inspired by the one due to Skinner and Rusk for singular lagrangian systems. For a singular field theory a constraint algorithm is developed that gives a final constraint submanifold where a well-defined dynamics exists. The main advantage of this algorithm is that the second order condition is automatically included.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 1122