Displaying 41 – 60 of 127

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Some results about dissipativity of Kolmogorov operators

Giuseppe Da Prato, Luciano Tubaro (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Given a Hilbert space H with a Borel probability measure ν , we prove the m -dissipativity in L 1 ( H , ν ) of a Kolmogorov operator K that is a perturbation, not necessarily of gradient type, of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator.

Some results in Lagrangian mechanics

Emanuele Fiorani (2005)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We associate to a dynamic equation ξ three different connections and then we consider the meaning of the vanishing of their curvatures. Some peculiarities of the case of autonomous dynamic equation polynomial in the velocities q ˙ are pointed out. Finally, using the so-called Helmholtz conditions, we investigate a particular example.

Special motions of robot-manipulators

Adolf Karger (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

There exist many examples of closed kinematical chains which have a freedom of motion, but there are very few systematical results in this direction. This paper is devoted to the systematical treatment of 4-parametric closed kinematical chains and we show that the so called Bennet’s mechanism is essentially the only 4-parametric closed kinematical chain which has the freedom of motion. According to [3] this question is connected with the problem of existence of asymptotic geodesic lines on robot-manipulators...

Sprays and homogeneous connections on 𝐑 × 𝑇𝑀

Alexandr Vondra (1992)

Archivum Mathematicum

The homogeneity properties of two different families of geometric objects playing a crutial role in the non-autonomous first-order dynamics - semisprays and dynamical connections on R × T M - are studied. A natural correspondence between sprays and a special class of homogeneous connections is presented.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 127