Displaying 181 – 200 of 434

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A quasistatic unilateral and frictional contact problem with adhesion for elastic materials

Arezki Touzaline (2009)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider a quasistatic contact problem between a linear elastic body and a foundation. The contact is modelled with the Signorini condition and the associated non-local Coulomb friction law in which the adhesion of the contact surfaces is taken into account. The evolution of the bonding field is described by a first order differential equation. We derive a variational formulation of the mechanical problem and prove existence of a weak solution if the friction coefficient is sufficiently small....

A Reduced Basis Enrichment for the eXtended Finite Element Method

E. Chahine, P. Laborde, Y. Renard (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

This paper is devoted to the introduction of a new variant of the extended finite element method (Xfem) for the approximation of elastostatic fracture problems. This variant consists in a reduced basis strategy for the definition of the crack tip enrichment. It is particularly adapted when the asymptotic crack-tip displacement is complex or even unknown. We give a mathematical result of quasi-optimal a priori error estimate and some computational tests including a comparison with some other strategies....

A reduced model for Darcy’s problem in networks of fractures

Luca Formaggia, Alessio Fumagalli, Anna Scotti, Paolo Ruffo (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Subsurface flows are influenced by the presence of faults and large fractures which act as preferential paths or barriers for the flow. In literature models were proposed to handle fractures in a porous medium as objects of codimension 1. In this work we consider the case of a network of intersecting fractures, with the aim of deriving physically consistent and effective interface conditions to impose at the intersection between fractures. This new model accounts for the angle between fractures...

A remark on the local Lipschitz continuity of vector hysteresis operators

Pavel Krejčí (2001)

Applications of Mathematics

It is known that the vector stop operator with a convex closed characteristic Z of class C 1 is locally Lipschitz continuous in the space of absolutely continuous functions if the unit outward normal mapping n is Lipschitz continuous on the boundary Z of Z . We prove that in the regular case, this condition is also necessary.

A residual based a posteriori error estimator for an augmented mixed finite element method in linear elasticity

Tomás P. Barrios, Gabriel N. Gatica, María González, Norbert Heuer (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper we develop a residual based a posteriori error analysis for an augmented mixed finite element method applied to the problem of linear elasticity in the plane. More precisely, we derive a reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimator for the case of pure Dirichlet boundary conditions. In addition, several numerical experiments confirming the theoretical properties of the estimator, and illustrating the capability of the corresponding adaptive algorithm to localize the singularities...

A residual based A POSTERIORI error estimator for an augmented mixed finite element method in linear elasticity

Tomás P. Barrios, Gabriel N. Gatica, María González, Norbert Heuer (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper we develop a residual based a posteriori error analysis for an augmented mixed finite element method applied to the problem of linear elasticity in the plane. More precisely, we derive a reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimator for the case of pure Dirichlet boundary conditions. In addition, several numerical experiments confirming the theoretical properties of the estimator, and illustrating the capability of the corresponding adaptive algorithm to localize the singularities...

A short note on incremental thermoelasticity.

Ramón Quintanilla de la Torre (1983)


The equations of classical thermoelasticity have been extensively studied [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]. Only more recently the equations when the initial state is at non-uniform temperature have been established [6], and a well-posedness theorem proved by the author and C. Navarro for these equations [7]. Our goal here is to make a brief comment about dissipation in this last case of an initial state with non-uniform temperature.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 434