Displaying 141 – 160 of 218

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Stimuli-Responsive Polymers in Nanotechnology: Deposition and Possible Effect on Drug Release

A. L. Yarin (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Stimuli-responsive polymers result in on-demand regulation of properties and functioning of various nanoscale systems. In particular, they allow stimuli-responsive control of flow rates through membranes and nanofluidic devices with submicron channel sizes. They also allow regulation of drug release from nanoparticles and nanofibers in response to temperature or pH variation in the surrounding medium. In the present work two relevant mathematical models are introduced to address precipitation-driven...

Stress equations of motion of Ignaczak type for the second axisymmetric problem of micropolar elastodynamics

Janusz Dyszlewicz (1997)

Applicationes Mathematicae

A second axially-symmetric initial-boundary value problem of linear homogeneous isotropic micropolar elastodynamics in which the displacement and rotation take the forms u ̲ = ( 0 , u θ , 0 ) , φ ̲ = ( φ r , 0 , φ z ) ((r,θ,z) are cylindrical coordinates; cf. [17]) is formulated in a pure stress language similar to that of [12]. In particular, it is shown how u ̲ and φ ̲ can be recovered from a solution of the associated pure stress initial-boundary value problem, and how a singular solution corresponding to harmonic vibrations of a concentrated...

Stress-controlled hysteresis and long-time dynamics of implicit differential equations arising in hypoplasticity

Victor A. Kovtunenko, Ján Eliaš, Pavel Krejčí, Giselle A. Monteiro, Judita Runcziková (2023)

Archivum Mathematicum

A long-time dynamic for granular materials arising in the hypoplastic theory of Kolymbas type is investigated. It is assumed that the granular hardness allows exponential degradation, which leads to the densification of material states. The governing system for a rate-independent strain under stress control is described by implicit differential equations. Its analytical solution for arbitrary inhomogeneous coefficients is constructed in closed form. Under cyclic loading by periodic pressure, finite...

Strong asymptotic stability for n-dimensional thermoelasticity systems

Mohammed Aassila (1998)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We use a new approach to prove the strong asymptotic stability for n-dimensional thermoelasticity systems. Unlike the earlier works, our method can be applied in the case of feedbacks with no growth assumption at the origin, and when LaSalle's invariance principle cannot be applied due to the lack of compactness.

Strong unique continuation for the Lamé system with Lipschitz coefficients in three dimensions

Hang Yu (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper studies the strong unique continuation property for the Lamé system of elasticity with variable Lamé coefficients λ, µin three dimensions, div ( μ ( u + u t ) ) + ( λ div u ) + V u = 0 whereλ and μ are Lipschitz continuous and V∈L∞. The method is based on the Carleman estimate with polynomial weights for the Lamé operator.

Strong unique continuation for the Lamé system with Lipschitz coefficients in three dimensions*

Hang Yu (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper studies the strong unique continuation property for the Lamé system of elasticity with variable Lamé coefficients λ, µ in three dimensions, div ( μ ( u + u t ) ) + ( λ div u ) + V u = 0 where λ and μ are Lipschitz continuous and V∈L∞. The method is based on the Carleman estimate with polynomial weights for the Lamé operator.

Structure of stable solutions of a one-dimensional variational problem

Nung Kwan Yip (2006)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We prove the periodicity of all H2-local minimizers with low energy for a one-dimensional higher order variational problem. The results extend and complement an earlier work of Stefan Müller which concerns the structure of global minimizer. The energy functional studied in this work is motivated by the investigation of coherent solid phase transformations and the competition between the effects from regularization and formation of small scale structures. With a special choice of a bilinear double...

Study of a contact problem with normal compliance and nonlocal friction

Arezki Touzaline (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider a static frictional contact between a nonlinear elastic body and a foundation. The contact is modelled by a normal compliance condition such that the penetration is restricted with unilateral constraint and associated to the nonlocal friction law. We derive a variational formulation and prove its unique weak solvability if the friction coefficient is sufficiently small. Moreover, we prove the continuous dependence of the solution on the contact conditions. Also we study the finite element...

Study of a viscoelastic frictional contact problem with adhesion

Arezki Touzaline (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider a quasistatic frictional contact problem between a viscoelastic body with long memory and a deformable foundation. The contact is modelled with normal compliance in such a way that the penetration is limited and restricted to unilateral constraint. The adhesion between contact surfaces is taken into account and the evolution of the bonding field is described by a first order differential equation. We derive a variational formulation and prove the existence and uniqueness result of the...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 218