Displaying 101 – 120 of 162

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Numerical flux-splitting for a class of hyperbolic systems with unilateral constraint

Florent Berthelin (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We study in this paper some numerical schemes for hyperbolic systems with unilateral constraint. In particular, we deal with the scalar case, the isentropic gas dynamics system and the full-gas dynamics system. We prove the convergence of the scheme to an entropy solution of the isentropic gas dynamics with unilateral constraint on the density and mass loss. We also study the non-trivial steady states of the system.

Numerical homogenization of well singularities in the flow transport through heterogeneous porous media: fully discrete scheme

Meiqun Jiang, Xingye Yue (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Motivated by well-driven flow transport in porous media, Chen and Yue proposed a numerical homogenization method for Green function [Multiscale Model. Simul.1 (2003) 260–303]. In that paper, the authors focused on the well pore pressure, so the local error analysis in maximum norm was presented. As a continuation, we will consider a fully discrete scheme and its multiscale error analysis on the velocity field.

Numerical investigation of dynamic capillary pressure in two-phase flow in porous medium

Radek Fučík, Jiří Mikyška (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

In order to investigate effects of the dynamic capillary pressure-saturation relationship used in the modelling of a flow in porous media, a one-dimensional fully implicit numerical scheme is proposed. The numerical scheme is used to simulate an experimental procedure using a measured dataset for the sand and fluid properties. Results of simulations using different models for the dynamic effect term in capillary pressure-saturation relationship are presented and discussed.

Numerical methods for fourth order nonlinear degenerate diffusion problems

Jürgen Becker, Günther Grün, Martin Lenz, Martin Rumpf (2002)

Applications of Mathematics

Numerical schemes are presented for a class of fourth order diffusion problems. These problems arise in lubrication theory for thin films of viscous fluids on surfaces. The equations being in general fourth order degenerate parabolic, additional singular terms of second order may occur to model effects of gravity, molecular interactions or thermocapillarity. Furthermore, we incorporate nonlinear surface tension terms. Finally, in the case of a thin film flow driven by a surface active agent (surfactant),...

Numerical modeling of heat exchange and unsaturated-saturated flow in porous media

Kačur, Jozef, Mihala, Patrik, Tóth, Michal (2017)

Proceedings of Equadiff 14

We discuss the numerical modeling of heat exchange between the infiltrated water and porous media matrix. An unsaturated-saturated flow is considered with boundary conditions reflecting the external driven forces. The developed numerical method is efficient and can be used for solving the inverse problems concerning determination of transmission coefficients for heat energy exchange inside and also on the boundary of porous media. Numerical experiments support our method.

Numerical modeling of the movement of a rigid particle in viscous fluid

Josef Ježek, Stanislav Saic, Karel Segeth (1999)

Applications of Mathematics

Modeling the movement of a rigid particle in viscous fluid is a problem physicists and mathematicians have tried to solve since the beginning of this century. A general model for an ellipsoidal particle was first published by Jeffery in the twenties. We exploit the fact that Jeffery was concerned with formulae which can be used to compute numerically the velocity field in the neighborhood of the particle during his derivation of equations of motion of the particle. This is our principal contribution...

Numerical modelling of algebraic closure models of oceanic turbulent mixing layers

Anne-Claire Bennis, Tomas Chacón Rebollo, Macarena Gómez Mármol, Roger Lewandowski (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We introduce in this paper some elements for the mathematical and numerical analysis of algebraic turbulence models for oceanic surface mixing layers. In these models the turbulent diffusions are parameterized by means of the gradient Richardson number, that measures the balance between stabilizing buoyancy forces and destabilizing shearing forces. We analyze the existence and linear exponential asymptotic stability of continuous and discrete equilibria states. We also analyze the well-posedness...

Numerical modelling of flow in lower urinary tract using high-resolution methods

Brandner, Marek, Egermaier, Jiří, Kopincová, Hana, Rosenberg, Josef (2013)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

We propose a new numerical scheme based on the finite volumes to simulate the urethra flow based on hyperbolic balance law. Our approach is based on the Riemann solver designed for the augmented quasilinear homogeneous formulation. The scheme has general semidiscrete wave–propagation form and can be extended to arbitrary high order accuracy. The first goal is to construct the scheme, which is well balanced, i.e. maintains not only some special steady states but all steady states which can occur....

Numerical modelling of steady and unsteady flows of generalized Newtonian fluids

Keslerová, Radka, Trdlička, David, Řezníček, Hynek (2017)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

This work presents the numerical solution of laminar incompressible viscous flow in a three dimensional branching channel with circular cross section for generalized Newtonian fluids. This model can be generalized by cross model in shear thinning meaning. The governing system of equations is based on the system of balance laws for mass and momentum. Numerical tests are performed on a three dimensional geometry, the branching channel with one entrance and two outlet parts. Numerical solution of the...

Numerical modelling of viscous and viscoelastic fluids flow through the branching channel

Keslerová, Radka, Kozel, Karel (2015)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The aim of this paper is to describe the numerical results of numerical modelling of steady flows of laminar incompressible viscous and viscoelastic fluids. The mathematical models are Newtonian and Oldroyd-B models. Both models can be generalized by cross model in shear thinning meaning. Numerical tests are performed on three dimensional geometry, a branched channel with one entrance and two output parts. Numerical solution of the described models is based on cell-centered finite volume method...

Numerical schemes for a three component Cahn-Hilliard model

Franck Boyer, Sebastian Minjeaud (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this article, we investigate numerical schemes for solving a three component Cahn-Hilliard model. The space discretization is performed by using a Galerkin formulation and the finite element method. Concerning the time discretization, the main difficulty is to write a scheme ensuring, at the discrete level, the decrease of the free energy and thus the stability of the method. We study three different schemes and prove existence and convergence theorems. Theoretical results are illustrated by...

Numerical schemes for a three component Cahn-Hilliard model

Franck Boyer, Sebastian Minjeaud (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this article, we investigate numerical schemes for solving a three component Cahn-Hilliard model. The space discretization is performed by using a Galerkin formulation and the finite element method. Concerning the time discretization, the main difficulty is to write a scheme ensuring, at the discrete level, the decrease of the free energy and thus the stability of the method. We study three different schemes and prove existence and convergence theorems. Theoretical results are illustrated by...

Numerical simulation of 3D transonic flow through cascades

Jaroslav Fořt, Jiří Fürst, J. Halama, Karel Kozel (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

The paper deals with the numerical solution of 3D transonic flow through axial turbine cascades. Finite volume methods based on TVD MacCormack cell-centered and Ni’s cell-vertex schemes are discussed. A comparison of numerical results for 3D stator and rotor cascades is presented.

Numerical simulation of a pulsatile flow through a flexible channel

Cornel Marius Murea (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

An algorithm for approximation of an unsteady fluid-structure interaction problem is proposed. The fluid is governed by the Navier-Stokes equations with boundary conditions on pressure, while for the structure a particular plate model is used. The algorithm is based on the modal decomposition and the Newmark Method for the structure and on the Arbitrary lagrangian Eulerian coordinates and the Finite Element Method for the fluid. In this paper, the continuity of the stresses at the interface was...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 162