Displaying 941 – 960 of 1376

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Quantum interfaces

Bruno Nachtergaele (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We review recent results on interface states in quantum statistical mechanics.

Quantum waveguides with corners

Monique Dauge, Yvon Lafranche, Nicolas Raymond (2012)

ESAIM: Proceedings

The simplest modeling of planar quantum waveguides is the Dirichlet eigenproblem for the Laplace operator in unbounded open sets which are uniformly thin in one direction. Here we consider V-shaped guides. Their spectral properties depend essentially on a sole parameter, the opening of the V. The free energy band is a semi-infinite interval bounded from below. As soon as the V is not flat, there are bound states below the free energy band. There are a finite number of them, depending on the opening....

Quasi-polynomial mixing of the 2D stochastic Ising model with “plus” boundary up to criticality

Eyal Lubetzky, Fabio Martinelli, Allan Sly, Fabio Lucio Toninelli (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We considerably improve upon the recent result of [37] on the mixing time of Glauber dynamics for the 2D Ising model in a box of side L at low temperature and with random boundary conditions whose distribution P stochastically dominates the extremal plus phase. An important special case is when P is concentrated on the homogeneous all-plus configuration, where the mixing time T M I X is conjectured to be polynomial in L . In [37] it was shown that for a large enough inverse-temperature β and any ϵ > 0 there...

Quelques résultats d’hypocoercitivité en théorie cinétique collisionnelle

Clément Mouhot (2007/2008)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

Nous présentons une introduction à un nouveau champ de recherche, l’hypocoercitivité. Nous énonçons quelques résultats obtenus récemment avec différents co-auteurs (Lukas Neumann, Jean Dolbeault, Christian Schmeiser) dans le cas des équations cinétiques collisionnelles, en particulier pour les équations de type Boltzmann. Puis nous présentons quelques perspectives de recherche à plus long terme, dans le but de dégager une théorie unifiée de l’hypocoercitivité en théorie cinétique collisionnelle.

Quenched law of large numbers for branching brownian motion in a random medium

János Engländer (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study a spatial branching model, where the underlying motion is d-dimensional (d≥1) brownian motion and the branching rate is affected by a random collection of reproduction suppressing sets dubbed mild obstacles. The main result of this paper is the quenched law of large numbers for the population for all d≥1. We also show that the branching brownian motion with mild obstacles spreads less quickly than ordinary branching brownian motion by giving an upper estimate on its speed. When the underlying...

Quenched limits for transient, ballistic, sub-gaussian one-dimensional random walk in random environment

Jonathon Peterson (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider a nearest-neighbor, one-dimensional random walk {Xn}n≥0 in a random i.i.d. environment, in the regime where the walk is transient with speed vP>0 and there exists an s∈(1, 2) such that the annealed law of n−1/s(Xn−nvP) converges to a stable law of parameter s. Under the quenched law (i.e., conditioned on the environment), we show that no limit laws are possible. In particular we show that there exist sequences {tk} and {tk'} depending on the environment only, such that a quenched...

Quenched non-equilibrium central limit theorem for a tagged particle in the exclusion process with bond disorder

M. D. Jara, C. Landim (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

For a sequence of i.i.d. random variables {ξx: x∈ℤ} bounded above and below by strictly positive finite constants, consider the nearest-neighbor one-dimensional simple exclusion process in which a particle at x (resp. x+1) jumps to x+1 (resp. x) at rate ξx. We examine a quenched non-equilibrium central limit theorem for the position of a tagged particle in the exclusion process with bond disorder {ξx: x∈ℤ}. We prove that the position of the tagged particle converges under diffusive scaling to a...

Radially symmetric solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation with a given energy

Tadeusz Nadzieja, Andrzej Raczyński (2000)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider the following problem: Δ Φ = ± M ο v e r Ω e - Φ / Θ e - Φ / Θ , E = M Θ 1 ο v e r 2 Ω | Φ | 2 , Φ | Ω = 0 , where Φ: Ω ⊂ n → ℝ is an unknown function, Θ is an unknown constant and M, E are given parameters.

Random hysteresis loops

Gioia Carinci (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Dynamical hysteresis is a phenomenon which arises in ferromagnetic systems below the critical temperature as a response to adiabatic variations of the external magnetic field. We study the problem in the context of the mean-field Ising model with Glauber dynamics, proving that for frequencies of the magnetic field oscillations of order N - 2 / 3 , N the size of the system, the “critical” hysteresis loop becomes random.

Currently displaying 941 – 960 of 1376