Displaying 521 – 540 of 593

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The Steiner Wiener Index of A Graph

Xueliang Li, Yaping Mao, Ivan Gutman (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The Wiener index W(G) of a connected graph G, introduced by Wiener in 1947, is defined as W(G) = ∑u,v∈V(G) d(u, v) where dG(u, v) is the distance between vertices u and v of G. The Steiner distance in a graph, introduced by Chartrand et al. in 1989, is a natural generalization of the concept of classical graph distance. For a connected graph G of order at least 2 and S ⊆ V (G), the Steiner distance d(S) of the vertices of S is the minimum size of a connected subgraph whose vertex set is S. We now...

The tree of shapes of an image

Coloma Ballester, Vicent Caselles, P. Monasse (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In [30], Kronrod proves that the connected components of isolevel sets of a continuous function can be endowed with a tree structure. Obviously, the connected components of upper level sets are an inclusion tree, and the same is true for connected components of lower level sets. We prove that in the case of semicontinuous functions, those trees can be merged into a single one, which, following its use in image processing, we call “tree of shapes”. This permits us to solve a classical representation...

The tree of shapes of an image

Coloma Ballester, Vicent Caselles, P. Monasse (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In [CITE], Kronrod proves that the connected components of isolevel sets of a continuous function can be endowed with a tree structure. Obviously, the connected components of upper level sets are an inclusion tree, and the same is true for connected components of lower level sets. We prove that in the case of semicontinuous functions, those trees can be merged into a single one, which, following its use in image processing, we call “tree of shapes”. This permits us to solve a classical representation problem...

The triangles method to build X -trees from incomplete distance matrices

Alain Guénoche, Bruno Leclerc (2001)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

A method to infer X -trees (valued trees having X as set of leaves) from incomplete distance arrays (where some entries are uncertain or unknown) is described. It allows us to build an unrooted tree using only 2 n -3 distance values between the n elements of X , if they fulfill some explicit conditions. This construction is based on the mapping between X -tree and a weighted generalized 2-tree spanning X .

The triangles method to build X-trees from incomplete distance matrices

Alain Guénoche, Bruno Leclerc (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

A method to infer X-trees (valued trees having X as set of leaves) from incomplete distance arrays (where some entries are uncertain or unknown) is described. It allows us to build an unrooted tree using only 2n-3 distance values between the n elements of X, if they fulfill some explicit conditions. This construction is based on the mapping between X-tree and a weighted generalized 2-tree spanning X.

The Turán Number of the Graph 2P5

Halina Bielak, Sebastian Kieliszek (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We give the Turán number ex (n, 2P5) for all positive integers n, improving one of the results of Bushaw and Kettle [Turán numbers of multiple paths and equibipartite forests, Combininatorics, Probability and Computing, 20 (2011) 837-853]. In particular we prove that ex (n, 2P5) = 3n−5 for n ≥ 18.

The Turàn number of the graph 3P4

Halina Bielak, Sebastian Kieliszek (2014)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica

Let ex (n,G) denote the maximum number of edges in a graph on n vertices which does not contain G as a subgraph. Let Pi denote a path consisting of i vertices and let mPi denote m disjoint copies of Pi. In this paper we count ex(n, 3P4)

The Vertex-Rainbow Index of A Graph

Yaping Mao (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The k-rainbow index rxk(G) of a connected graph G was introduced by Chartrand, Okamoto and Zhang in 2010. As a natural counterpart of the k-rainbow index, we introduce the concept of k-vertex-rainbow index rvxk(G) in this paper. In this paper, sharp upper and lower bounds of rvxk(G) are given for a connected graph G of order n, that is, 0 ≤ rvxk(G) ≤ n − 2. We obtain Nordhaus-Gaddum results for 3-vertex-rainbow index of a graph G of order n, and show that rvx3(G) + rvx3(Ḡ) = 4 for n = 4 and 2 ≤...

Théorie des magmoïdes

A. Arnold, M. Dauchet (1979)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Théorie des magmoïdes (I)

A. Arnold, M. Dauchet (1978)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Total domination in categorical products of graphs

Douglas F. Rall (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Several of the best known problems and conjectures in graph theory arise in studying the behavior of a graphical invariant on a graph product. Examples of this are Vizing's conjecture, Hedetniemi's conjecture and the calculation of the Shannon capacity of graphs, where the invariants are the domination number, the chromatic number and the independence number on the Cartesian, categorical and strong product, respectively. In this paper we begin an investigation of the total domination number on the...

Total Domination Multisubdivision Number of a Graph

Diana Avella-Alaminos, Magda Dettlaff, Magdalena Lemańska, Rita Zuazua (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The domination multisubdivision number of a nonempty graph G was defined in [3] as the minimum positive integer k such that there exists an edge which must be subdivided k times to increase the domination number of G. Similarly we define the total domination multisubdivision number msdγt (G) of a graph G and we show that for any connected graph G of order at least two, msdγt (G) ≤ 3. We show that for trees the total domination multisubdi- vision number is equal to the known total domination subdivision...

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 593