On -edge cover coloring of nearly bipartite graphs.
In the first part, we assign to each positive integer a digraph whose set of vertices consists of elements of the ring with the addition and the multiplication operations modulo and for which there is a directed edge from to if and only if . Associated with are two disjoint subdigraphs: and whose union is The vertices of are coprime to and the vertices of are not coprime to In this part, we study the structure of in detail. In the second part, we investigate the zero-divisor...
In a manner analogous to a commutative ring, the L-ideal-based L-zero-divisor graph of a commutative ring R can be defined as the undirected graph Γ(μ) for some L-ideal μ of R. The basic properties and possible structures of the graph Γ(μ) are studied.
A flower is a coin graph representation of the wheel graph. A petal of a flower is an outer coin connected to the center coin. The results of this paper are twofold. First we derive a parametrization of all the rational (and hence integer) radii coins of the 3-petal flower, also known as Apollonian circles or Soddy circles. Secondly we consider a general n-petal flower and show there is a unique irreducible polynomial Pₙ in n variables over the rationals ℚ, the affine variety of which contains the...
We assign to each pair of positive integers and a digraph whose set of vertices is and for which there is a directed edge from to if . The digraph is semiregular if there exists a positive integer such that each vertex of the digraph has indegree or 0. Generalizing earlier results of the authors for the case in which , we characterize all semiregular digraphs when is arbitrary.
Let G be a finite group of order n. The strong power graph Ps(G) of G is the undirected graph whose vertices are the elements of G such that two distinct vertices a and b are adjacent if am1=bm2 for some positive integers m1, m2 < n. In this article we classify all groups G for which Ps(G) is a line graph. Spectrum and permanent of the Laplacian matrix of the strong power graph Ps(G) are found for any finite group G.