Groups and homogeneous graphs
The prime graph of a finite group is defined as follows: the set of vertices is , the set of primes dividing the order of , and two vertices , are joined by an edge (we write ) if and only if there exists an element in of order . We study the groups such that the prime graph is a tree, proving that, in this case, .
Following a problem posed by Lovász in 1969, it is believed that every finite connected vertex-transitive graph has a Hamilton path. This is shown here to be true for cubic Cayley graphs arising from finite groups having a -presentation, that is, for groups generated by an involution and an element of order such that their product has order . More precisely, it is shown that the Cayley graph has a Hamilton cycle when (and thus ) is congruent to 2 modulo 4, and has a long cycle missing...
Let be a finite simple undirected graph with a subgroup of the full automorphism group . Then is said to be -transitive for a positive integer , if is transitive on -arcs but not on -arcs, and -transitive if it is -transitive. Let be a stabilizer of a vertex in . Up to now, the structures of vertex stabilizers of cubic, tetravalent or pentavalent -transitive graphs are known. Thus, in this paper, we give the structure of the vertex stabilizers of connected hexavalent -transitive...
For any positive integer k, let Ak denote the set of finite abelian groups G such that for any subgroup H of G all Cayley sum graphs CayS(H, S) are integral if |S| = k. A finite abelian group G is called Cayley sum integral if for any subgroup H of G all Cayley sum graphs on H are integral. In this paper, the classes A2 and A3 are classified. As an application, we determine all finite Cayley sum integral groups.