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Linear congruences and a conjecture of Bibak

Chinnakonda Gnanamoorthy Karthick Babu, Ranjan Bera, Balasubramanian Sury (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We address three questions posed by K. Bibak (2020), and generalize some results of K. Bibak, D. N. Lehmer and K. G. Ramanathan on solutions of linear congruences i = 1 k a i x i b ( mod n ) . In particular, we obtain explicit expressions for the number of solutions, where x i ’s are squares modulo n . In addition, we obtain expressions for the number of solutions with order restrictions x 1 x k or with strict order restrictions x 1 > > x k in some special cases. In these results, the expressions for the number of solutions involve Ramanujan...

L'octogone régulier et la signature des formes quadratiques entières non singulières

Catherine Bailly, Maria de Jesus Cabral (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

La formule généralisant la loi de réciprocité quadratique de Legendre et exprimant le reste par huit de la signature d'une forme quadratique entière non dégénérée à l'aide d'une somme de Gauss est attribuée par Milnor à Milgram, la faisant remonter à Braun. Le formalisme de Witt la réduit au cas de dimension 1 que Chandrasekharan attribue à Cauchy et Kronecker. Braun soulignait que les preuves de ces formules nécessitent des moyens d'analyse. Une propriété métrique de l'octogone...

Lower bounds for the largest eigenvalue of the gcd matrix on { 1 , 2 , , n }

Jorma K. Merikoski (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Consider the n × n matrix with ( i , j ) ’th entry gcd ( i , j ) . Its largest eigenvalue λ n and sum of entries s n satisfy λ n > s n / n . Because s n cannot be expressed algebraically as a function of n , we underestimate it in several ways. In examples, we compare the bounds so obtained with one another and with a bound from S. Hong, R. Loewy (2004). We also conjecture that λ n > 6 π - 2 n log n for all n . If n is large enough, this follows from F. Balatoni (1969).

Lucas factoriangular numbers

Bir Kafle, Florian Luca, Alain Togbé (2020)

Mathematica Bohemica

We show that the only Lucas numbers which are factoriangular are 1 and 2 .

Lucas sequences and repdigits

Hayder Raheem Hashim, Szabolcs Tengely (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let ( G n ) n 1 be a binary linear recurrence sequence that is represented by the Lucas sequences of the first and second kind, which are { U n } and { V n } , respectively. We show that the Diophantine equation G n = B · ( g l m - 1 ) / ( g l - 1 ) has only finitely many solutions in n , m + , where g 2 , l is even and 1 B g l - 1 . Furthermore, these solutions can be effectively determined by reducing such equation to biquadratic elliptic curves. Then, by a result of Baker (and its best improvement due to Hajdu and Herendi) related to the bounds of the integral points on...

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