Nearly ordinary deformations of irreducible residual representations
The aim of this article is to present five new examples of modular rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds by giving explicit correspondences to newforms of weight 4 and levels 10, 17, 21 and 73.
We complete our previous determination of the torsion primes of elliptic curves over cubic number fields, by showing that is not one of those.
1. Introduction. Since its genesis over a century ago in work of Jacobi, Riemann, Poincar ́e and Klein [Ja29, Ri53, Le64], the theory of automorphic forms has burgeoned from a branch of analytic number theory into an industry all its own. Natural extensions of the theory are to integrals [Ei57, Kn94a, KS96, Sh94], thereby encompassing Hurwitz’s prototype, the analytic weight 2 Eisenstein series [Hu81], and to nonanalytic forms [He59, Ma64, Sel56, ER74, Fr85]. A generalization in both directions...