Fourier Coefficients of Generalized Eisenstein Series of Degree Two. I. Shin-ichiro Mizumoto (1981/1982) Inventiones mathematicae
Genre arithmétique des groupes modulaires de Hilbert et nombres de classes de quaternions. Marie-France VIGNERAS (1975/1976) Seminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
Geodesic cycles and the Weil representation I ; quotients of hyperbolic space and Siegel modular forms Stephen S. Kudla, John J. Millson (1982) Compositio Mathematica
Harmonic weak Maass-modular grids in higher level cases Bumkyu Cho, SoYoung Choi, Chang Heon Kim (2013) Acta Arithmetica We extend Guerzhoy's Maass-modular grids on the full modular group SL₂(ℤ) to congruence subgroups Γ₀(N) and Γ₀⁺(p).
Hilbert Modular Surfaces and the Classification of Algebraic Surfaces. F. Hirzebruch, A. de Van de Ven (1974) Inventiones mathematicae
Holomorphe Differentialformen zu Kongruenzgruppen der Siegeischen Modulgruppe zweiten Grades. Eberhard Freitag (1975) Mathematische Annalen
Holomorphic differential forms of degree N - 1 invariant under ... Riccardo Salvati Manni (1987) Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Holomorphic Siegel Modular Forms Associated to SO(n, 1). Stephen S. Kudla (1981) Mathematische Annalen
Injectivity properties of liftings associated to weil representations S. Rallis (1984) Compositio Mathematica
Interaction sums and action of Hecke operators on theta-series Anatoli Andrianov (2009) Acta Arithmetica
Intersection Numbers for Quotients of the Complex 2-Ball and Hilbert Modular Forms. Stephen S. Kudla (1978) Inventiones mathematicae
Intersection numbers of curves on Hilbert modular surfaces Friedrich Hirzebruch (1975/1976) Séminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou. Théorie des nombres
Intersection Numbers of Curves on Hilbert Modular Surfaces and Modular Forms of Nebentypus. F. Hirzebruch, D. Zagier (1976) Inventiones mathematicae
Intersection numbers of cycles on locally symmetric spaces and Fourier coefficients of holomorphic modular forms in several complex variables Stephen S. Kudla, John J. Millson (1990) Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS
Invariants des groupes modulaires de Hilbert sur un corps quadratique Marie-France Vignéras (1975/1976) Séminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou. Théorie des nombres