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Bicyclic commutator quotients with one non-elementary component

Daniel Mayer (2023)

Mathematica Bohemica

For any number field K with non-elementary 3 -class group Cl 3 ( K ) C 3 e × C 3 , e 2 , the punctured capitulation type ϰ ( K ) of K in its unramified cyclic cubic extensions L i , 1 i 4 , is an orbit under the action of S 3 × S 3 . By means of Artin’s reciprocity law, the arithmetical invariant ϰ ( K ) is translated to the punctured transfer kernel type ϰ ( G 2 ) of the automorphism group G 2 = Gal ( F 3 2 ( K ) / K ) of the second Hilbert 3 -class field of K . A classification of finite 3 -groups G with low order and bicyclic commutator quotient G / G ' C 3 e × C 3 , 2 e 6 , according to the algebraic invariant...

Binomial squares in pure cubic number fields

Franz Lemmermeyer (2012)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let K = ( ω ) , with ω 3 = m a positive integer, be a pure cubic number field. We show that the elements α K × whose squares have the form a - ω for rational numbers a form a group isomorphic to the group of rational points on the elliptic curve E m : y 2 = x 3 - m . This result will allow us to construct unramified quadratic extensions of pure cubic number fields K .

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