Dualité sur un corps local à corps résiduel algébriquement clos
We consider a dynamical system consisting of a pair of commuting power series under composition, one noninvertible and another nontorsion invertible, of height one with coefficients in the -adic integers. Assuming that each point of the dynamical system generates a Galois extension over the base field, we show that these extensions are in fact abelian, and, using results from the theory of the field of norms, we also show that the dynamical system must include a torsion series. From an earlier...
Let be a finite extension of with ramification index , and let be a finite abelian -extension with Galois group and ramification index . We give a criterion in terms of the ramification numbers for a fractional ideal of the valuation ring of not to be free over its associated order . In particular, if then the inverse different can be free over its associated order only when (mod ) for all . We give three consequences of this. Firstly, if is a Hopf order and is -Galois...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11S31 12E15 12F10 12J20.This paper gives a characterization of Henselian discrete valued fields whose finite abelian extensions are uniquely determined by their norm groups and related essentially in the same way as in the classical local class field theory. It determines the structure of the Brauer groups and character groups of Henselian discrete valued strictly primary quasilocal (or PQL-) fields, and thereby, describes the forms of the local reciprocity...
Let be a finite extension of . The field of norms of a -adic Lie extension is a local field of characteristic which comes equipped with an action of . When can we lift this action to characteristic , along with a compatible Frobenius map? In this note, we formulate precisely this question, explain its relevance to the theory of -modules, and give a condition for the existence of certain types of lifts.
We give a self-contained exposition of local class field theory, via Lubin-Tate theory and the Hasse-Arf theorem, refining the arguments of Iwasawa [9].