Groupes de Galois sur
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 12F12.We find the obstructions to realizability of groups of order 32 as Galois groups over arbitrary field of characteristic not 2. We discuss explicit extensions and automatic realizations as well.This work is partially supported by project of Shumen University
Einleitung. Eine klassische Konstruktion aus der algebraischen Zahlentheorie ist folgende: Zu jedem algebraischen Zahlkörper K kann man ein sogenanntes System idealer Zahlen S zuordnen, welches eine Untergruppe der multiplikativen Gruppe ℂ* der komplexen Zahlen ist derart, daß die Faktorgruppe S/K* in kanonischer Weise isomorph zu der Klassengruppe von K ist. Diese Konstruktion geht auf Hecke [5] zurück und hat folgende wichtige Eigenschaft, die auch bei dem Hilbertschen Klassenkörper zu K vorkommt:...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11S31 12E15 12F10 12J20.This paper gives a characterization of Henselian discrete valued fields whose finite abelian extensions are uniquely determined by their norm groups and related essentially in the same way as in the classical local class field theory. It determines the structure of the Brauer groups and character groups of Henselian discrete valued strictly primary quasilocal (or PQL-) fields, and thereby, describes the forms of the local reciprocity...
This note extends the algorithm of [hess] for computing unimodular Galois groups of irreducible differential equations of order four. The main tool is invariant theory.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20E18, 12G05, 12F10, 12F99.Given a profinite group Γ acting continuously on a discrete quasi-cyclic group A, certain classes of closed subgroups of Γ (radical, hereditarily radical, Kneser, almost Kneser, and hereditarily Kneser) having natural field theoretic interpretations are defined and investigated. One proves that the hereditarily Kneser subgroups of Γ form a closed subspace of the irreducible spectral space of all closed subgroups of Γ, and a hereditarily...