On a galoisian approach to the splitting of separatrices
We know well difference Picard-Vessiot theory, Galois theory of linear difference equations. We propose a general Galois theory of difference equations that generalizes Picard-Vessiot theory. For every difference field extension of characteristic , we attach its Galois group, which is a group of coordinate transformation.
We apply the General Galois Theory of difference equations introduced in the first part to concrete examples. The General Galois Theory allows us to define a discrete dynamical system being infinitesimally solvable, which is a finer notion than being integrable. We determine all the infinitesimally solvable discrete dynamical systems on the compact Riemann surfaces.
Let k be a field of chracteristic p > 0. We describe all derivations of the polynomial algebra k[x,y], homogeneous with respect to a given weight vector, in particular all monomial derivations, with the ring of constants of the form , where .
In this paper, we give a geometrization and a generalization of a lemma of differential Galois theory, used by Singer and van der Put in their reference book. This geometrization, in addition of giving a nice insight on this result, offers us the opportunity to investigate several points of differential algebra and differential algebraic geometry. We study the class of simple Δ-schemes and prove that they all have a coarse space of leaves. Furthermore, instead of considering schemes endowed with...