The constants of the Volterra derivation
The ring of constants of the Volterra derivation is found. Confirming a conjecture of Zielinski, it is always a polynomial ring.
The ring of constants of the Volterra derivation is found. Confirming a conjecture of Zielinski, it is always a polynomial ring.
We give a description of all polynomial constants of the five-variable Volterra derivation, hence of all polynomial first integrals of its corresponding Volterra system of differential equations. The Volterra system plays a significant role in plasma physics and population biology.
We present some facts, observations and remarks concerning the problem of finiteness of the rings of constants for derivations of polynomial rings over a commutative ring k containing the field ℚ of rational numbers.
This paper deals with rank two connections on the projective line having four simple poles with prescribed local exponents 1/4 and . This Lamé family of connections has been extensively studied in the literature. The differential Galois group of a Lamé connection is never maximal : it is either dihedral (finite or infinite) or reducible. We provide an explicit moduli space of those connections having a free underlying vector bundle and compute the algebraic locus of those reducible connections....
On décrit des preuves galoisiennes des versions logarithmique et exponentielle de la conjecture de Schanuel, pour les variétés abéliennes sur un corps de fonctions.
We present a simple proof of the theorem which says that for a series of extensions of differential fields K ⊂ L ⊂ M, where K ⊂ M is Picard-Vessiot, the extension K ⊂ L is Picard-Vessiot iff the differential Galois group is a normal subgroup of . We also present a proof that the probability function Erf(x) is not an elementary function.