On the transformation of unicursal surfaces
This article gives a description, by means of functorial intrinsic fibrations, of the geometric structure (and conjecturally also of the Kobayashi pseudometric, as well as of the arithmetic in the projective case) of compact Kähler manifolds. We first define special manifolds as being the compact Kähler manifolds with no meromorphic map onto an orbifold of general type, the orbifold structure on the base being given by the divisor of multiple fibres. We next show that rationally connected Kähler...
For any compact Kähler manifold and for any equivalence relation generated by a symmetric binary relation with compact analytic graph in , the existence of a meromorphic quotient is known from Inv. Math. 63 (1981). We give here a simplified and detailed proof of the existence of such quotients, following the approach of that paper. These quotients are used in one of the two constructions of the core of given in the previous paper of this fascicule, as well as in many other questions.
In this paper we will prove that for a threefold of general type and large volume the second plurigenera is positive and the fifth canonical map is birational.
1. Let R be a domain and f ∈ R[X] a polynomial. A k-tuple of distinct elements of R is called a cycle of f if for i=0,1,...,k-2 and . The number k is called the length of the cycle. A tuple is a cycle in R if it is a cycle for some f ∈ R[X]. It has been shown in [1] that if R is the ring of all algebraic integers in a finite extension K of the rationals, then the possible lengths of cycles of R-polynomials are bounded by the number , depending only on the degree N of K. In this note we consider...
We study singularities obtained by the contraction of the maximal divisor in compact (non-kählerian) surfaces which contain global spherical shells. These singularities are of genus 1 or 2, may be -Gorenstein, numerically Gorenstein or Gorenstein. A family of polynomials depending on the configuration of the curves computes the discriminants of the quadratic forms of these singularities. We introduce a multiplicative branch topological invariant which determines the twisting coefficient of a non-vanishing...
On présente certaines (malheureusement pas toutes) propriétés connues du groupe de Cremona en faisant, lorsque c’est possible, un parallèle avec le groupe des automorphismes polynomiaux de . Les propriétés abordées seront essentiellement de nature algébrique : théorème de génération, sous-groupes finis, sous-groupes de type fini, description du groupe d’automorphismes du groupe de Cremona,... mais aussi de nature dynamique : classification des transformations birationnelles, centralisateur, dynamique...
Let X be an irreducible nonsingular complex algebraic set and let K be a compact subset of X. We study algebraic properties of the ring of rational functions on X without poles in K. We give simple necessary conditions for this ring to be a regular ring or a unique factorization domain.