Displaying 741 – 760 of 813

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Davide Lombardo (0)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Variétés abéliennes et invariants arithmétiques

Jean Gillibert (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Dans la continuité de nos travaux précédents, nous étudions un analogue, pour le modèle de Néron d’une variété abélienne semi-stable sur un corps de nombres, du class-invariant homomorphism introduit par M. J. Taylor, qui nous permet de mesurer la structure galoisienne de certains torseurs.

Very ampleness of multiples of principal polarization on degenerate Abelian surfaces.

Alessandro Arsie (2005)

Revista Matemática Complutense

Quite recently, Alexeev and Nakamura proved that if Y is a stable semi-Abelic variety (SSAV) of dimension g equipped with the ample line bundle OY(1), which deforms to a principally polarized Abelian variety, then OY(n) is very ample as soon as n ≥ 2g + 1, that is n ≥ 5 in the case of surfaces. Here it is proved, via elementary methods of projective geometry, that in the case of surfaces this bound can be improved to n ≥ 3.

Volcanoes of l-isogenies of elliptic curves over finite fields: The case l=3.

Josep M. Miret Biosca, Daniel Sadornil Renedo, Juan Tena Ayuso, Rosana Tomàs, Magda Valls Marsal (2007)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

This paper is devoted to the study of the volcanoes of ℓ-isogenies of elliptic curves over a finite field, focusing on their height as well as on the location of curves across its different levels. The core of the paper lies on the relationship between the ℓ-Sylow subgroup of an elliptic curve and the level of the volcano where it is placed. The particular case ℓ = 3 is studied in detail, giving an algorithm to determine the volcano of 3-isogenies of a given elliptic curve. Experimental results...

Currently displaying 741 – 760 of 813