On curves on rational normal scrolls.
The minimal free resolution of the Hartshorne-Rao module of a curve with natural cohomology is studied, and conditions are given on the degrees and the ranks of the terms of this resolution.
In this paper we relate the deformation method in invariant theory to spherical subgroups. Let be a reductive group, an affine -variety and a spherical subgroup. We show that whenever is affine and its semigroup of weights is saturated, the algebra of -invariant regular functions on has a -invariant filtration such that the associated graded algebra is the algebra of regular functions of some explicit horospherical subgroup of . The deformation method in its usual form, as developed...
Motivated by recent work of Florian Pop, we study the connections between three notions of equivalence of function fields: isomorphism, elementary equivalence, and the condition that each of a pair of fields can be embedded in the other, which we call isogeny. Some of our results are purely geometric: we give an isogeny classification of Severi-Brauer varieties and quadric surfaces. These results are applied to deduce new instances of “elementary equivalence implies isomorphism”: for all genus zero...
Let X and Y be two smooth Deligne-Mumford stacks and consider a pair of functions f: X → , g:Y → . Assuming that there exists a complex of sheaves on X × Y which induces an equivalence of D b(X) and D b(Y), we show that there is also an equivalence of the singular derived categories of the fibers f −1(0) and g −1(0). We apply this statement in the setting of McKay correspondence, and generalize a theorem of Orlov on the derived category of a Calabi-Yau hypersurface in a weighted projective...
Let G be a complex affine algebraic group and H,F ⊂ G be closed subgroups. The homogeneous space G/H can be equipped with the structure of a smooth quasiprojective variety. The situation is different for double coset varieties F∖∖G//H. We give examples showing that the variety F∖∖G//H does not necessarily exist. We also address the question of existence of F∖∖G//H in the category of constructible spaces and show that under sufficiently general assumptions F∖∖G//H does exist as a constructible space....
We investigate projective varieties which are binary symmetric models of trivalent phylogenetic trees. We prove that they have Gorenstein terminal singularities and are Fano varieties of index 4 and dimension equal to the number of edges of the tree in question. Moreover any two such varieties which are of the same dimension are deformation equivalent, that is, they are in the same connected component of the Hilbert scheme of the projective space. As an application we provide a simple formula for...
A germ of normal complex analytical surface is called a Hirzebruch-Jung singularity if it is analytically isomorphic to the germ at the 0-dimensional orbit of an affine toric surface. Two such germs are known to be isomorphic if and only if the toric surfaces corresponding to them are equivariantly isomorphic. We extend this result to higher-dimensional Hirzebruch-Jung singularities, which we define to be the germs analytically isomorphic to the germ at the 0-dimensional orbit of an affine toric...