Funktoren in der Kategorie der lokal kompakten Moduln.
Suppose is a commutative unital ring and is an abelian group. We give a general criterion only in terms of and when all normalized units in the commutative group ring are -nilpotent. This extends recent results published in [Extracta Math., 2008–2009] and [Ann. Sci. Math. Québec, 2009].
Let be a group with identity and let be a -graded ring. In this paper, we introduce and study the concept of graded -ideals of . A proper graded ideal of is called a graded -ideal of if whenever where , then either or or . We introduce several results concerning --ideals. For example, we give a characterization of graded -ideals and their homogeneous components. Also, the relations between graded -ideals and others that already exist, namely, the graded prime ideals,...
Given a locally bounded k-category R and a group acting freely on R we study the properties of the ideal generated by a class of indecomposable locally finite-dimensional modules called halflines (Theorem 3.3). They are applied to prove that under certain circumstances the Galois covering reduction to stabilizers, for the Galois covering F: R → R/G, is strictly full (Theorems 1.5 and 4.2).
We study the Clebsch-Gordan problem for quiver representations, i.e. the problem of decomposing the point-wise tensor product of any two representations of a quiver into its indecomposable direct summands. For this purpose we develop results describing the behaviour of the point-wise tensor product under Galois coverings. These are applied to solve the Clebsch-Gordan problem for the double loop quivers with relations αβ = βα = αⁿ = βⁿ = 0. These quivers were originally studied by I. M. Gelfand and...
In this paper, for a cocommutative Hopf algebra H in a symmetric closed category C with basic object K, we get an isomorphism between the group of isomorphism classes of Galois H-objects with a normal basis and the second cohomology group H2(H,K) of H with coefficients in K. Using this result, we obtain a direct sum decomposition for the Brauer group of H-module Azumaya monoids with inner action:BMinn(C,H) ≅ B(C) ⊕ H2(H,K)In particular, if C is the symmetric closed category of C-modules with K a...
Let and be two ring homomorphisms and let and be ideals of and , respectively, such that . In this paper, we investigate the transfer of the notions of Gaussian and Prüfer rings to the bi-amalgamation of with along with respect to (denoted by introduced and studied by S. Kabbaj, K. Louartiti and M. Tamekkante in 2013. Our results recover well known results on amalgamations in C. A. Finocchiaro (2014) and generate new original examples of rings possessing these properties.