Minimal bipartite algebras of infinite prinjective type with prin-preprojective component
Let A be a finitely generated associative algebra over an algebraically closed field. We characterize the finite-dimensional A-modules whose orbit closures are local hypersurfaces. The result is reduced to an analogous characterization for orbit closures of quiver representations obtained in Section 3.
In the cases and , we describe the seeds obtained by sequences of mutations from an initial seed. In the case, we deduce a linear representation of the group of mutations which contains as matrix entries all cluster variables obtained after an arbitrary sequence of mutations (this sequence is an element of the group). Nontransjective variables correspond to certain subgroups of finite index. A noncommutative rational series is constructed, which contains all this information.
In continuation of our earlier work [2] we describe the indecomposable representations and the Auslander-Reiten quivers of a family of vector space categories playing an important role in the study of domestic finite dimensional algebras over an algebraically closed field. The main results of the paper are applied in our paper [3] where we exhibit a wide class of almost sincere domestic simply connected algebras of arbitrary large finite global dimensions and describe their Auslander-Reiten quivers....
Given a pair M,M' of finite-dimensional modules over a domestic canonical algebra Λ, we give a fully verifiable criterion, in terms of a finite set of simple linear algebra invariants, deciding if M and M' lie in the same orbit in the module variety, or equivalently, if M and M' are isomorphic.
The aim of this note is to give a complete description of the positive additive functions for the stable nonperiodic translation quivers with finitely many orbits. In particular, we show that all positive additive functions on the stable translation quivers of Euclidean type (respectively, of wild type) are periodic, and hence bounded (respectively, are unbounded, and hence nonperiodic).
Trivial extensions of a certain subclass of minimal 2-fundamental algebras are examined. For such algebras the characterization of components of the Auslander-Reiten quiver which contain indecomposable projective modules is given.
Let x and y be two vertices lying on an oriented cycle in a connected valued translation quiver (Γ,τ,δ). We prove that, under certain conditions, x and y belong to the same cyclic component of (Γ,τ,δ) if and only if there is an oriented cycle in (Γ,τ,δ) passing through x and y.
We classify, up to derived (equivalently, tilting-cotilting) equivalence, all nondegenerate gentle two-cycle algebras. We also give a partial classification and formulate a conjecture in the degenerate case.
We describe the structure of finite-dimensional algebras of domestic representation type over an algebraically closed field whose Auslander-Reiten quiver consists of generalized standard and semiregular components. Moreover, we prove that this class of algebras contains all special biserial algebras whose Auslander-Reiten quiver consists of semiregular components.
Let Λ be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field k and Λ has tame representation type. In this paper, the structure of Hom-spaces of all pairs of indecomposable Λ-modules having dimension smaller than or equal to a fixed natural number is described, and their dimensions are calculated in terms of a finite number of finitely generated Λ-modules and generic Λ-modules. In particular, such spaces are essentially controlled by those of the corresponding generic modules.
We construct non faithful direct summands of tilting (resp. cotilting) modules large enough to inherit a functorial tilting (resp. cotilting) behaviour.
A minimal non-tilted triangular algebra such that any proper semiconvex subcategory is tilted is called a tilt-semicritical algebra. We study the tilt-semicritical algebras which are quasitilted or one-point extensions of tilted algebras of tame hereditary type. We establish inductive procedures to decide whether or not a given strongly simply connected algebra is tilted.
We investigate the categorical behaviour of morphisms between indecomposable projective modules over a special biserial algebra A over an algebraically closed field, which are associated to arrows of the Gabriel quiver of A.
We investigate degenerations and derived equivalences of tame selfinjective algebras having no simply connected Galois coverings but the stable Auslander-Reiten quiver consisting only of tubes, discovered recently in [4].
The notion of the path coalgebra of a quiver with relations introduced in [11] and [12] is studied. In particular, developing this topic in the context of the weak* topology, we give a criterion that allows us to verify whether or not a relation subcoalgebra of a path coalgebra is the path coalgebra of a quiver with relations.