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Characteristic zero loop space homology for certain two-cones

Calin Popescu (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Given a principal ideal domain R of characteristic zero, containing 1/2, and a two-cone X of appropriate connectedness and dimension, we present a sufficient algebraic condition, in terms of Adams-Hilton models, for the Hopf algebra F H ( Ω X ; R ) to be isomorphic with the universal enveloping algebra of some R -free graded Lie algebra; as usual, F stands for free part, H for homology, and Ω for the Moore loop space functor.

Composition-diamond lemma for modules

Yuqun Chen, Yongshan Chen, Chanyan Zhong (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We investigate the relationship between the Gröbner-Shirshov bases in free associative algebras, free left modules and “double-free” left modules (that is, free modules over a free algebra). We first give Chibrikov’s Composition-Diamond lemma for modules and then we show that Kang-Lee’s Composition-Diamond lemma follows from it. We give the Gröbner-Shirshov bases for the following modules: the highest weight module over a Lie algebra s l 2 , the Verma module over a Kac-Moody algebra, the Verma module...

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