Some recent results on Hochschild homology of commutative algebras.
This article is a brief survey of the recent results obtained by several authors on Hochschild homology of commutative algebras arising from the second author’s paper [21].
This article is a brief survey of the recent results obtained by several authors on Hochschild homology of commutative algebras arising from the second author’s paper [21].
In this paper, we study some properties of -flat -modules, where is a semidualizing module over a commutative ring and we investigate the relation between the -yoke with the -yoke of a module as well as the relation between the -flat resolution and the flat resolution of a module over -closed rings. We also obtain a criterion for computing the -flat dimension of modules.
Seguendo le idee presentate nei lavori [1] e [2] si studiano le proprietà dei gruppi di -omotopia per moduli ed omomorfismi di moduli.
Square groups are gadgets classifying quadratic endofunctors of the category of groups. Applying such a functor to the Kan simplicial loop group of the 2-dimensional sphere, one obtains a one-connected three-type. We consider the problem of characterization of those three-types X which can be obtained in this way. We solve this problem in some cases, including the case when π2(X) is a finitely generated abelian group. The corresponding stable problem is solved completely.
We develop a theory of split extensions of unitary magmas, which includes defining such extensions and describing them via suitably defined semidirect product, yielding an equivalence between the categories of split extensions and of (suitably defined) actions of unitary magmas on unitary magmas. The class of split extensions is pullback stable but not closed under composition. We introduce two subclasses of it that have both of these properties.
We revisit the old result that biflat Banach algebras have the same cyclic cohomology as C, and obtain a quantitative variant (which is needed in separate, joint work of the author on the simplicial and cyclic cohomology of band semigroup algebras). Our approach does not rely on the Connes-Tsygan exact sequence, but is motivated strongly by its construction as found in [2] and [5].
We present a very short way of calculating additively the stable (co)homology of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces K(ℤ/p,n). Our method depends only on homological algebra in appropriate categories of functors.
It was recently proved that every additive category has a unique maximal exact structure, while it remained open whether the distinguished short exact sequences of this canonical exact structure coincide with the stable short exact sequences. The question is answered by a counterexample which shows that none of the steps to construct the maximal exact structure can be dropped.
Let be an Artin algebra. In view of the characterization of finitely generated Gorenstein injective -modules under the condition that is a cocompatible -bimodule, we establish a recollement of the stable category . We also determine all strongly complete injective resolutions and all strongly Gorenstein injective modules over .