Galois module structure of Milnor -theory mod in characteristic .
We prove that the natural HNN-extensions of the fractional Fibonacci groups are the fundamental groups of high-dimensional knot complements. We also give some characterization and interpretation of these knots. In particular we show that some of them are 2-knots.
We extend the methods developed in our earlier work to algorithmically compute the intersection cohomology Betti numbers of reductive varieties. These form a class of highly symmetric varieties that includes equivariant compactifications of reductive groups. Thereby, we extend a well-known algorithm for toric varieties.
We construct a variant of Karoubi’s relative Chern character for smooth varieties over and prove a comparison result with Beilinson’s regulator with values in Deligne-Beilinson cohomology. As a corollary we obtain a new proof of Burgos’ Theorem that for number fields Borel’s regulator is twice Beilinson’s regulator.