Compact hyperbolic Coxeter -polytopes with facets.
We show that the second group of cohomology with compact supports is nontrivial for three-dimensional systolic pseudomanifolds. It follows that groups acting geometrically on such spaces are not Poincaré duality groups.
Traitant la série de Poincaré d’un groupe discret d’isométries en courbure négative comme un noyau de Green, on établit une théorie du potentiel assez comparable à la théorie classique pour affirmer un parallèle entre densités conformes à la Patterson-Sullivan et densités harmoniques, et notamment définir une frontière de Martin où les densités ergodiques forment la partie minimale, et enfin l’identifier géométriquement sous hypothèse d’hyperbolicité.
We give a new method to compute the centralizer of an element in Artin braid groups and, more generally, in Garside groups. This method, together with the solution of the conjugacy problem given by the authors in [9], are two main steps for solving conjugacy systems, thus breaking recently discovered cryptosystems based in braid groups [2]. We also present the result of our computations, where we notice that our algorithm yields surprisingly small generating sets for the centralizers.