Injective morphisms between Artin-Tits groups. (Morphismes injectifs entre groupes d'Artin-Tits.)
Fitting classes and injectors are discussed in the class of -groups. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of injectors is given; it is also shown that, when this condition holds, the injectors form a unique conjugacy class.
We investigate the invariant rings of two classes of finite groups which are generated by a number of generalized transvections with an invariant subspace over a finite field in the modular case. We name these groups generalized transvection groups. One class is concerned with a given invariant subspace which involves roots of unity. Constructing quotient groups and tensors, we deduce the invariant rings and study their Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein properties. The other is concerned with...
We prove that the mapping class group and the pure mapping class group of closed non-orientable surfaces with punctures are generated by involutions.
Nous étudions le problème de l’irréductibilité du produit tensoriel de deux représentations irréductibles d’un groupe fondamental , quand est le complémentaire d’hypersurfaces dans un espace projectif. Nous mettons en place un formalisme adapté et utilisons une approche par monodromie pour définir une classe de représentations irréductibles de dont les produits tensoriels restent irréductibles pour des valeurs génériques de paramètres de définition. Ceci est appliqué au groupe de tresses pures...
We provide a classification of isometries of systolic complexes corresponding to the classification of isometries of CAT(0)-spaces. We prove that any isometry of a systolic complex either fixes the barycentre of some simplex (elliptic case) or stabilizes a thick geodesic (hyperbolic case). This leads to an alternative proof of the fact that finitely generated abelian subgroups of systolic groups are undistorted.