Displaying 201 – 220 of 244

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Sub-Laplacian with drift in nilpotent Lie groups

Camillo Melzi (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider the heat kernel ϕ t corresponding to the left invariant sub-Laplacian with drift term in the first commutator of the Lie algebra, on a nilpotent Lie group. We improve the results obtained by G. Alexopoulos in [1], [2] proving the “exact Gaussian factor” exp(-|g|²/4(1+ε)t) in the large time upper Gaussian estimate for ϕ t . We also obtain a large time lower Gaussian estimate for ϕ t .

Sur les feuilletages induits par l'action de groupes de Lie nilpotents

Gilles Chatelet (1977)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous étudions ici les feuilletages de codimension un induits par les actions non dégénérées de groupes nilpotents.L’existence de feuilles non compactes isolées d’un côté, implique celle d’idéaux remarquables dans l’algèbre de Lie du groupe.Dans la deuxième partie, nous montrons, dans le cas des groupes de Heisenberg des théorèmes de fibration et de cobordisme généralisant ceux obtenus par H. Rosenberg et l’auteur pour R n (cf. Cahiers IHES, 1974).

Symplectic torus actions with coisotropic principal orbits

Johannes Jisse Duistermaat, Alvaro Pelayo (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we completely classify symplectic actions of a torus T on a compact connected symplectic manifold ( M , σ ) when some, hence every, principal orbit is a coisotropic submanifold of ( M , σ ) . That is, we construct an explicit model, defined in terms of certain invariants, of the manifold, the torus action and the symplectic form. The invariants are invariants of the topology of the manifold, of the torus action, or of the symplectic form.In order to deal with symplectic actions which are not Hamiltonian,...

The evolution and Poisson kernels on nilpotent meta-abelian groups

Richard Penney, Roman Urban (2013)

Studia Mathematica

Let S be a semidirect product S = N⋊ A where N is a connected and simply connected, non-abelian, nilpotent meta-abelian Lie group and A is isomorphic to k , k>1. We consider a class of second order left-invariant differential operators on S of the form α = L a + Δ α , where α k , and for each a k , L a is left-invariant second order differential operator on N and Δ α = Δ - α , , where Δ is the usual Laplacian on k . Using some probabilistic techniques (e.g., skew-product formulas for diffusions on S and N respectively) we obtain an...

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 244