Displaying 201 – 220 of 383

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Norm estimates for unitarizable highest weight modules

Bernhard Krötz (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We consider families of unitarizable highest weight modules ( λ ) λ L on a halfline L . All these modules can be realized as vector valued holomorphic functions on a bounded symmetric domain 𝒟 , and the polynomial functions form a dense subset of each module λ , λ L . In this paper we compare the norm of a fixed polynomial in two Hilbert spaces corresponding to two different parameters. As an application we obtain that for all λ L the module of hyperfunction vectors λ - can be realized as the space of all holomorphic...

Noyau de Cauchy-Szegö d'un espace symétrique de type Cayley

Mohammed Chadli (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cet article, en utilisant les algèbres de Jordan euclidiennes, nous étudions l’espace de Hardy H 2 ( Ξ ) d’un espace symétrique de type Cayley = G / H . Nous montrons que le noyau de Cauchy-Szegö de H 2 ( Ξ ) s’exprime comme somme d’une série faisant intervenir la fonction c de Harish-Chandra de l’espace symétrique riemannien D = G / K , la fonction c de l’espace symétrique c -dual 𝒩 de et les fonctions sphériques de l’espace symétrique ordonné 𝒩 . Nous établissons, dans le cas où la dimension de l’algèbre de Jordan associée...

On bounded generalized Harish-Chandra modules

Ivan Penkov, Vera Serganova (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let 𝔤 be a complex reductive Lie algebra and 𝔨 𝔤 be any reductive in 𝔤 subalgebra. We call a ( 𝔤 , 𝔨 ) -module M bounded if the 𝔨 -multiplicities of M are uniformly bounded. In this paper we initiate a general study of simple bounded ( 𝔤 , 𝔨 ) -modules. We prove a strong necessary condition for a subalgebra 𝔨 to be bounded (Corollary 4.6), i.e. to admit an infinite-dimensional simple bounded ( 𝔤 , 𝔨 ) -module, and then establish a sufficient condition for a subalgebra 𝔨 to be bounded (Theorem 5.1). As a result we are able to...

On hierarchy of the positioned eco-grammar systems

Miroslav Langer (2014)


Positioned eco-grammar systems (PEG systems, for short) were introduced in our previous papers. In this paper we engage in a new field of research, the hierarchy of PEG systems, namely in the hierarchy of the PEG systems according to the number of agents presented in the environment and according to the number of types of agents in the system.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 383