Correction to: An asymptotic form of Cauchy's functional equation; Volume 24, 2/3 (1982). (Short Communication).
We formulate a Covering Property Axiom , which holds in the iterated perfect set model, and show that it implies easily the following facts. (a) For every S ⊂ ℝ of cardinality continuum there exists a uniformly continuous function g: ℝ → ℝ with g[S] = [0,1]. (b) If S ⊂ ℝ is either perfectly meager or universally null then S has cardinality less than . (c) cof() = ω₁ < , i.e., the cofinality of the measure ideal is ω₁. (d) For every uniformly bounded sequence of Borel functions there are sequences:...
Pour trois fonctions non-négatives intégrables sur , et , telles que , Borelll a établi l’inégalité . Nous déterminons les conditions précises où l’inégalité sera stricte. La clef de cette analyse est une nouvelle caractérisation des fonctions convexes mesurables.
We give a complete characterization of those (where is a Banach space) which allow an equivalent parametrization (i.e., a parametrization whose derivative has bounded variation) or a parametrization with bounded convexity. Our results are new also for . We present examples which show applicability of our characterizations. For example, we show that the and parametrization problems are equivalent for but are not equivalent for .