Quadratintegrable holomorphe Funktionen und die Serre-Vermutung.
Another aspect of the representation formula is given.
We give a characterization for two different concepts of quasi-analyticity in Carleman ultraholomorphic classes of functions of several variables in polysectors. Also, working with strongly regular sequences, we establish generalizations of Watson’s Lemma under an additional condition related to the growth index of the sequence.
Nous proposons une généralisation d’un résultat de F. Berteloot et G. Patrizio [1], aux cas des applications holomorphes propres entre domaines quasi-disqués et non nécessairement bornés.
We give a sufficient condition for a hermitian holomorphic vector bundle over the disk to be quasi-isometric to the trivial bundle. One consequence is a version of Cartan's lemma on the factorization of matrices with uniform bounds.