Let be a dominating rational mapping of first algebraic degree . If is a positive closed current of bidegree on with zero Lelong numbers, we show – under a natural dynamical assumption – that the pullbacks converge to the Green current . For some families of mappings, we get finer convergence results which allow us to characterize all -invariant currents.
Let be a non-invertible holomorphic endomorphism of a projective space and its iterate of order . We prove that the pull-back by of a generic (in the Zariski sense) hypersurface, properly normalized, converges to the Green current associated to when tends to infinity. We also give an analogous result for the pull-back of positive closed -currents and a similar result for regular polynomial automorphisms of .
Let f: ℙ → ℙ be a holomorphic endomorphism of a complex projective space , k ≥ 1, and let J be the Julia set of f (the topological support of the unique maximal entropy measure). Then there exists a positive number such that if ϕ: J → ℝ is a Hölder continuous function with , then ϕ admits a unique equilibrium state on J. This equilibrium state is equivalent to a fixed point of the normalized dual Perron-Frobenius operator. In addition, the dynamical system is K-mixing, whence ergodic. Proving...