Displaying 141 – 160 of 223

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q-plurisubharmonicity and q-pseudoconvexity in Cn.

Nguyen Quang Dieu (2006)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We generalize classical results for plurisubharmonic functions and hyperconvex domain to q-plurisubharmonic functions and q-hyperconvex domains. We show, among other things, that Bq-regular domains are q-hyperconvex. Moreover, some smoothing results for q-plurisubharmonic functions are also given.

Radially symmetric plurisubharmonic functions

Per Åhag, Rafał Czyż, Leif Persson (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

In this note we consider radially symmetric plurisubharmonic functions and the complex Monge-Ampère operator. We prove among other things a complete characterization of unitary invariant measures for which there exists a solution of the complex Monge-Ampère equation in the set of radially symmetric plurisubharmonic functions. Furthermore, we prove in contrast to the general case that the complex Monge-Ampère operator is continuous on the set of radially symmetric plurisubharmonic functions. Finally...

Representation of functions by logarithmic potential and reducibility of analytic functions of several variables.

A. B. Sekerin (1996)

Collectanea Mathematica

The necessary and sufficient condition that a given plurisubharmonic or a subharmonic function admits the representation by the logarithmic potential (up to pluriharmonic or a harmonic term) is obtained in terms of the Radon transform. This representation is applied to the problem of representation of analytic functions by products of primary factors.

Robin functions and extremal functions

T. Bloom, N. Levenberg, S. Ma'u (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Given a compact set K N , for each positive integer n, let V ( n ) ( z ) = V K ( n ) ( z ) := sup 1 / ( d e g p ) V p ( K ) ( p ( z ) ) : p holomorphic polynomial, 1 ≤ deg p ≤ n. These “extremal-like” functions V K ( n ) are essentially one-variable in nature and always increase to the “true” several-variable (Siciak) extremal function, V K ( z ) := max[0, sup1/(deg p) log|p(z)|: p holomorphic polynomial, | | p | | K 1 ]. Our main result is that if K is regular, then all of the functions V K ( n ) are continuous; and their associated Robin functions ϱ V K ( n ) ( z ) : = l i m s u p | λ | [ V K ( n ) ( λ z ) - l o g ( | λ | ) ] increase to ϱ K : = ϱ V K for all z outside a pluripolar set....

Separately superharmonic functions in product networks

Victor Anandam (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let X×Y be the Cartesian product of two locally finite, connected networks that need not have reversible conductance. If X,Y represent random walks, it is known that if X×Y is recurrent, then X,Y are both recurrent. This fact is proved here by non-probabilistic methods, by using the properties of separately superharmonic functions. For this class of functions on the product network X×Y, the Dirichlet solution, balayage, minimum principle etc. are obtained. A unique integral representation is given...

Smoothness of Green's functions and Markov-type inequalities

Leokadia Białas-Cież (2011)

Banach Center Publications

Let E be a compact set in the complex plane, g E be the Green function of the unbounded component of E with pole at infinity and M ( E ) = s u p ( | | P ' | | E ) / ( | | P | | E ) where the supremum is taken over all polynomials P | E 0 of degree at most n, and | | f | | E = s u p | f ( z ) | : z E . The paper deals with recent results concerning a connection between the smoothness of g E (existence, continuity, Hölder or Lipschitz continuity) and the growth of the sequence M ( E ) n = 1 , 2 , . . . . Some additional conditions are given for special classes of sets.

Some applications of the trace condition for pluriharmonic functions in Cn.

Alessandro Perotti (2000)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we investigate some applications of the trace condition for pluriharmonic functions on a smooth, bounded domain in Cn. This condition, related to the normal component on ∂D of the ∂-operator, permits us to study the Neumann problem for pluriharmonic functions and the ∂-problem for (0,1)-forms on D with solutions having assigned real part on the boundary.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 223