Formulars for the L...-minimal solutions of the ...-equation in the unit ball of C...
We give a homotopy formula for the operator on a domain with (q+k)-concave boundary. As a consequence we show that the dimension of the -cohomology groups for some CR manifolds q-concave at infinity is finite.
Dans cet article, on construit tout d’abord un noyau de Cauchy explicite dans la boule unité de dont les valeurs au bord sont égales au noyau de Szegö. Puis, à partir de ce noyau, on construit explicitement les noyaux qui fournissent les solutions de l’équation qui sont orthogonales aux fonctions holomorphes dans les espaces , où , étant la mesure de Lebesgue et un réel . Nous donnons ensuite les principales estimations dedans et au bord que vérifient ces solutions. Dans une deuxième...
We prove that any positive function on ℂℙ¹ which is constant outside a countable -set is the order function of a fundamental solution of the complex Monge-Ampère equation on the unit ball in ℂ² with a singularity at the origin.
For smooth bounded pseudoconvex domains in , we provide geometric conditions on the boundary which imply compactness of the -Neumann operator. It is noteworthy that the proof of compactness does not proceed via verifying the known potential theoretic sufficient conditions.
The Hartogs Theorem for holomorphic functions is generalized in two settings: a CR version (Theorem 1.2) and a corresponding theorem based on it for -closed forms at the critical degree, (Theorem 1.1). Part of Frenkel’s lemma in category is also...
We construct a generalization of the Henkin-Ramírez (or Cauchy-Leray) kernels for the -equation. The generalization consists in multiplication by a weight factor and addition of suitable lower order terms, and is found via a representation as an “oscillating integral”. As special cases we consider weights which behave like a power of the distance to the boundary, like exp- with convex, and weights of polynomial decrease in . We also briefly consider kernels with singularities on subvarieties...
On a real hypersurface in of class we consider a local CR structure by choosing complex vector fields in the complex tangent space. Their real and imaginary parts span a -dimensional subspace of the real tangent space, which has dimension If the Levi matrix of is different from zero at every point, then we can generate the missing direction. Under this assumption we prove interior a priori estimates of Schauder type for solutions of a class of second order partial differential equations...
Let D be a bounded strict pseudoconvex non-smooth domain in Cn. In this paper we prove that the estimates in Lp and Lipschitz classes for the solutions of the ∂-equation with Lp-data in regular strictly pseudoconvex domains (see [2]) are also valid for D. We also give estimates of the same type for the ∂b in the regular part of the boundary of these domains.
We study Hölder continuity of solutions to the Monge-Ampère equations on compact Kähler manifolds. T. C. Dinh, V.A. Nguyen and N. Sibony have shown that the measure is moderate if is Hölder continuous. We prove a theorem which is a partial converse to this result.