Displaying 1061 – 1080 of 1231

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Asymptotic behaviour of a two-dimensional differential system with a nonconstant delay under the conditions of instability

Josef Kalas, Josef Rebenda (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

We present several results dealing with the asymptotic behaviour of a real two-dimensional system x ' ( t ) = 𝖠 ( t ) x ( t ) + k = 1 m 𝖡 k ( t ) x ( θ k ( t ) ) + h ( t , x ( t ) , x ( θ 1 ( t ) ) , , x ( θ m ( t ) ) ) with bounded nonconstant delays t - θ k ( t ) 0 satisfying lim t θ k ( t ) = , under the assumption of instability. Here 𝖠 , 𝖡 k and h are supposed to be matrix functions and a vector function, respectively. The conditions for the instable properties of solutions together with the conditions for the existence of bounded solutions are given. The methods are based on the transformation of the real system considered to one equation with...

Asymptotic behaviour of nonoscillatory solutions of the fourth order differential equations

Monika Sobalová (2002)

Archivum Mathematicum

In the paper the fourth order nonlinear differential equation y ( 4 ) + ( q ( t ) y ' ) ' + r ( t ) f ( y ) = 0 , where q C 1 ( [ 0 , ) ) , r C 0 ( [ 0 , ) ) , f C 0 ( R ) , r 0 and f ( x ) x > 0 for x 0 is considered. We investigate the asymptotic behaviour of nonoscillatory solutions and give sufficient conditions under which all nonoscillatory solutions either are unbounded or tend to zero for t .

Asymptotic behaviour of oscillatory solutions of n -th order differential equations with quasiderivatives

Miroslav Bartušek (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Sufficient conditions are given under which the sequence of the absolute values of all local extremes of y [ i ] , i { 0 , 1 , , n - 2 } of solutions of a differential equation with quasiderivatives y [ n ] = f ( t , y [ 0 ] , , y [ n - 1 ] ) is increasing and tends to . The existence of proper, oscillatory and unbounded solutions is proved.

Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of real two-dimensional differential system with nonconstant delay

Josef Rebenda (2009)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this article, stability and asymptotic properties of solutions of a real two-dimensional system x ' ( t ) = 𝐀 ( t ) x ( t ) + 𝐁 ( t ) x ( τ ( t ) ) + 𝐡 ( t , x ( t ) , x ( τ ( t ) ) ) are studied, where 𝐀 , 𝐁 are matrix functions, 𝐡 is a vector function and τ ( t ) t is a nonconstant delay which is absolutely continuous and satisfies lim t τ ( t ) = . Generalization of results on stability of a two-dimensional differential system with one constant delay is obtained using the methods of complexification and Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and some new corollaries and examples are presented.

Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of some linear delay differential equations

Jan Čermák (2000)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper we investigate the asymptotic properties of all solutions of the delay differential equation y’(x)=a(x)y((x))+b(x)y(x),      xI=[x0,). We set up conditions under which every solution of this equation can be represented in terms of a solution of the differential equation z’(x)=b(x)z(x),      xI and a solution of the functional equation |a(x)|((x))=|b(x)|(x),      xI.

Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of third order nonlinear difference equations of neutral type

Anna Andruch-Sobiło, Andrzej Drozdowicz (2008)

Mathematica Bohemica

In the paper we consider the difference equation of neutral type Δ 3 [ x ( n ) - p ( n ) x ( σ ( n ) ) ] + q ( n ) f ( x ( τ ( n ) ) ) = 0 , n ( n 0 ) , where p , q : ( n 0 ) + ; σ , τ : , σ is strictly increasing and lim n σ ( n ) = ; τ is nondecreasing and lim n τ ( n ) = , f : , x f ( x ) > 0 . We examine the following two cases: 0 < p ( n ) λ * < 1 , σ ( n ) = n - k , τ ( n ) = n - l , and 1 < λ * p ( n ) , σ ( n ) = n + k , τ ( n ) = n + l , where k , l are positive integers. We obtain sufficient conditions under which all nonoscillatory solutions of the above equation tend to zero as n with a weaker assumption on q than the...

Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of two-dimensional linear differential systems with deviating arguments

Roman Koplatadze, N. L. Partsvania, Ioannis P. Stavroulakis (2003)

Archivum Mathematicum

Sufficient conditions are established for the oscillation of proper solutions of the system u 1 ' ( t ) = p ( t ) u 2 ( σ ( t ) ) , u 2 ' ( t ) = - q ( t ) u 1 ( τ ( t ) ) , where p , q : R + R + are locally summable functions, while τ and σ : R + R + are continuous and continuously differentiable functions, respectively, and lim t + τ ( t ) = + , lim t + σ ( t ) = + .

Currently displaying 1061 – 1080 of 1231