K problému jednoznačnosti integrálov systému lineárnych diferenciálnych rovníc
By using monotone functionals and positive linear functionals on a suitable matrix space, new oscillation criteria for second order self-adjoint matrix differential systems with damping are given. The results are extensions of the Kamenev type oscillation criteria obtained by Wong for second order self-adjoint matrix differential systems with damping. These extensions also include an earlier result of Erbe et al.
The matrix KdV equation with a negative dispersion term is considered in the right upper quarter–plane. The evolution law is derived for the Weyl function of a corresponding auxiliary linear system. Using the low energy asymptotics of the Weyl functions, the unboundedness of solutions is obtained for some classes of the initial–boundary conditions.
This paper proposes a stochastic diffusion model for the spread of a susceptible-infective-removed Kermack–McKendric epidemic (M1) in a population which size is a martingale that solves the Engelbert–Schmidt stochastic differential equation (). The model is given by the stochastic differential equation (M2) or equivalently by the ordinary differential equation (M3) whose coefficients depend on the size . Theorems on a unique strong and weak existence of the solution to (M2) are proved and computer...
This paper proposes a deterministic model for the spread of an epidemic. We extend the classical Kermack–McKendrick model, so that a more general contact rate is chosen and a vaccination added. The model is governed by a differential equation (DE) for the time dynamics of the susceptibles, infectives and removals subpopulation. We present some conditions on the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the nonlinear DE. The existence of limits and uniqueness of maximum of infected individuals are...
The aim of the paper is to give some preliminary information concerning a class of nonlinear differential equations often used in physical chemistry and biology. Such systems are often very large and it is well known that where studying properties of such systems difficulties rapidly increase with their dimension. One way how to get over the difficulties is to use special forms of such systems.
The paper gives the answer to the question of the number and qualitative character of stationary points of an autonomous detailed balanced kinetical system.
We investigate the structure of the set of solutions of the Cauchy problem x’ = f(t,x), x(0) = x₀ in Banach spaces. If f satisfies a compactness condition expressed in terms of measures of weak noncompactness, and f is Pettis-integrable, then the set of pseudo-solutions of this problem is a continuum in , the space of all continuous functions from I to E endowed with the weak topology. Under some additional assumptions these solutions are, in fact, weak solutions or strong Carathéodory solutions,...
Ordinary differential equations all share the same common root-real physical problems. But, although the physical motivation remains the most important one, the way the subject develops does depend highly on the methods available. In the exposition I would like to show some connections between two methods of checking the ODE for integrability (whatever it should mean), with distant motivations and techniques. These are the so-called Painlevé tests and the methods originating in Ziglin's theory and...