On Lakshmikantham's comparison method for Gronwall inequalities
We investigate the growth and Borel exceptional values of meromorphic solutions of the Riccati differential equation w' = a(z) + b(z)w + w², where a(z) and b(z) are meromorphic functions. In particular, we correct a result of E. Hille [Ordinary Differential Equations in the Complex Domain, 1976] and get a precise estimate on the growth order of the transcendental meromorphic solution w(z); and if at least one of a(z) and b(z) is non-constant, then we show that w(z)...
We prove several results on lower bounds for the periods of periodic solutions of some classes of functional-differential equations in Hilbert and Banach spaces and difference inclusions in Hilbert spaces.
We prove a theorem on the existence of solutions of a first order functional differential inclusion governed by a class of nonconvex sweeping process with a noncompact perturbation.
We consider a nonlinear evolution inclusion driven by an m-accretive operator which generates an equicontinuous nonlinear semigroup of contractions. We establish the existence of extremal integral solutions and we show that they form a dense, -subset of the solution set of the original Cauchy problem. As an application, we obtain “bang-bang”’ type theorems for two nonlinear parabolic distributed parameter control systems.