Boundary behavior of blow-up solutions to some weighted nonlinear differential equations.
In this paper we prove two existence theorems for abstract boundary value problems controlled by semilinear evolution inclusions in which the nonlinear part is a lower Scorza-Dragoni multifunction. Then, by using these results, we obtain the existence of periodic mild solutions.
If is a subset of the space , we call a pair of continuous functions , -compatible, if they map the space into itself and satisfy , for all with . (Dot denotes inner product.) In this paper a nonlinear two point boundary value problem for a second order ordinary differential -dimensional system is investigated, provided the boundary conditions are given via...
Si dà un risultato di esistenza e unicità di una soluzione limitata in per un'equazione di Riccati infinito-dimensionale.
We give an existence theorem for bounded solutions to a system of second order ODEs. Dynamical applications are considered.