Displaying 101 – 120 of 1831

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An abstract nonlinear second order differential equation

Jan Bochenek (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

By using the theory of strongly continuous cosine families of linear operators in Banach space the existence of solutions of a semilinear second order differential initial value problem (1) as well as the existence of solutions of the linear inhomogeneous problem corresponding to (1) are proved. The main result of the paper is contained in Theorem 5.

An analysis on the stability of a state dependent delay differential equation

Sertaç Erman, Ali Demir (2016)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we present an analysis for the stability of a differential equation with state-dependent delay. We establish existence and uniqueness of solutions of differential equation with delay term [...] τ(u(t))=a+bu(t)c+bu(t). τ ( u ( t ) ) = a + b u ( t ) c + b u ( t ) . Moreover, we put the some restrictions for the positivity of delay term τ(u(t)) Based on the boundedness of delay term, we obtain stability criterion in terms of the parameters of the equation.

An analytic proof of numerical stability of Gaussian collocation for delay differential

Nicola Guglielmi (2000)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In questo articolo si investigano le proprietà di stabilità asintotica dei metodi numerici per equazioni differenziali con ritardo, prendendo in esame l'equazione test: U t = a U t + b U t - τ dove a , b R , τ > 0 e g t è una funzione a valori reali e continua. In particolare, viene analizzata la dipendenza dal ritardo della stabilità numerica dei metodi di collocazione Gaussiana. Nel recente lavoro [GH99], la stabilità di questi metodi è stata dimostrata facendo uso di un approccio geometrico, basato sul legame tra la proprietà...

An application of the second Lyapunov method to stability investigation of differential equations with deviations

Denis Khusainov (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

The paper presents overview of applications of A. M. Lyapunov’s direct method to stability investigation of systems with argument delay. Methods of building Lyapunov-Krasovskiy funcionals for linear systems with constant coefficients are considered. Lyapunov quadratic forms are used to obtain applicable methods for stability investigation and estimation of solution convergence for linear stationary systems, as well as non-linear control systems and systems with quadratic and rational right hand...

An asymptotic theorem for a class of nonlinear neutral differential equations

Manabu Naito (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The neutral differential equation (1.1) d n d t n [ x ( t ) + x ( t - τ ) ] + σ F ( t , x ( g ( t ) ) ) = 0 , is considered under the following conditions: n 2 , τ > 0 , σ = ± 1 , F ( t , u ) is nonnegative on [ t 0 , ) × ( 0 , ) and is nondecreasing in u ( 0 , ) , and lim g ( t ) = as t . It is shown that equation (1.1) has a solution x ( t ) such that (1.2) lim t x ( t ) t k exists and is a positive finite value if and only if t 0 t n - k - 1 F ( t , c [ g ( t ) ] k ) d t < for some c > 0 . Here, k is an integer with 0 k n - 1 . To prove the existence of a solution x ( t ) satisfying (1.2), the Schauder-Tychonoff fixed point theorem is used.

An epidemic model with a time delay in transmission

Q. J. A. Khan, E. V. Krishnan (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

We study a mathematical model which was originally suggested by Greenhalgh and Das and takes into account the delay in the recruitment of infected persons. The stability of the equilibria are also discussed. In addition, we show that the introduction of a time delay in the transmission term can destabilize the system and periodic solutions can arise by Hopf bifurcation.

An Epidemic Model With Post-Contact Prophylaxis of Distributed Length II. Stability and Oscillations if Treatment is Fully Effective

H. R. Thieme, A. Tridane, Y. Kuang (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

A possible control strategy against the spread of an infectious disease is the treatment with antimicrobials that are given prophylactically to those that had contact with an infective person. The treatment continues until recovery or until it becomes obvious that there was no infection in the first place. The model considers susceptible, treated uninfected exposed, treated infected, (untreated) infectious, and recovered individuals. The overly optimistic assumptions are made that treated uninfected...

An existence result for impulsive functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces

Irene Benedetti (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

We use the topological degree theory for condensing multimaps to present an existence result for impulsive semilinear functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces. Moreover, under some additional assumptions we prove the compactness of the solution set.

An improved oscillation theorem for nonlinear differential equations of advanced type

Nurten Kiliç, Özkan Öcalan, Mustafa Kemal Yildiz (2024)

Archivum Mathematicum

This paper deals with the oscillatory solutions of the first order nonlinear advanced differential equation. The aim of the present paper is to obtain an oscillation condition for this equation. This result is new and improves and correlates many of the well-known oscillation criteria that were in the literature. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the main result.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 1831