Diffraction des singularités analytiques dans les problèmes aux limites de la physique mathématique par les méthodes de Kawai-Kashiwara et Sjöstrand
Our studies are motivated by a desire to model long-time simulations of possible scenarios for a waste disposal. Numerical methods are developed for solving the arising systems of convection-diffusion-dispersion-reaction equations, and the received results of several discretization methods are presented. We concentrate on linear reaction systems, which can be solved analytically. In the numerical methods, we use large time-steps to achieve long simulation times of about 10 000 years. We propose...
Using the Maxwell-Higgs model, we prove that linearly unstable symmetric vortices in the Ginzburg-Landau theory are dynamically unstable in the H1 norm (which is the natural norm for the problem).In this work we study the dynamic instability of the radial solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equations in R2 (...)
This paper discusses the existence theory to dynamical model of viscoplasticity and show possibility to obtain existence of solution without assuming weak safe-load condition.
For a Lagrange distribution of order zero we consider a quadratic integral which has logarithmic divergence at the singular locus of the distribution. The residue of the asymptotics is a Hermitian form evaluated in the space of positive distributions supported in the locus. An asymptotic analysis of the residue density is given in terms of the curvature form of the locus. We state a conservation law for the residue of the impulse-energy tensor of solutions of the wave equation which extends the...